Avocado and Banana Month on February, 2025: avocado and bananas for 5 month baby?

February, 2025 is Avocado and Banana Month 2025. Celebrate National Avocado and Banana Month Avocado Banana Bread

avocado and bananas for 5 month baby?

Banana is fine to give your baby,,generally solids are introduced at 5/6 months...Avacado isnt a food that should be givin intill a year old...you might want to check with your sons doctor or maybe get a list of foods that are safe/unsafe to give your child before he's a year old.

7 Month Old Eating Very Little Solid Food?

7 Month Old Eating Very Little Solid Food?

For about the first 6 months of a baby's life breast milk (or formula) will provide all the vitamins and nutrients a baby needs for proper growth and development. The age span between 6-12 months is a time when babies will be introduced to solids so they have the opportunity to become familiar with new tastes and textures as well as to gain practice getting nutrition from other sources. However, breast milk (or formula) will still continue to provide the majority of the actual vitamins and nutrients a baby needs for growing. Every baby is a unique individual. Some babies are very interested in eating solids beginning as early as 4-6 months. Other babies are quite happy with breast milk until they are 6-8 months or even older. There is no need to be concerned about solids for your baby as long as he is nursing well, is happy and healthy, plus is growing. His nutritional needs are being met by breast milk and that is fine. My youngest baby was exclusively breast fed for the first 7 months of her life. After that we began to do a baby-led weaning approach when she showed us her interest in what we were doing at the table. It was a gradual process to introduce food to her. We basically skipped commercially prepared infant cereals and jarred food by offering her table food. She had some solids, but mostly nursed until she was about 14 months and began weaning herself. We also offered her a cup when we began offering her table food. She mostly had water in it and sometimes a bit of watered down juice, but at 12 months we gave her whole cow's milk in it at lunch and dinner. I know several babies who were happy nursing well past 6 months and didn't have an interest in solids until closer to the 9-10 month age range. I suggest you don't worry too much about the solids. Don't offer him food before his nursing as he needs the milk for his nutritional needs. Nurse him and than offer him some solids. If he eats a bite or two that's fine. As he gets older and begins to sit in his high chair well and his pincher grasp develops, than he'll become more interested in eating solids. It may not happen until he's reached his first birthday and that is fine. A baby doesn't need infant cereal and jarred foods, but they are convenience foods that many parents use and doctors recommend. Not all babies like them, though. Take your cues from your baby as he knows his needs and it sounds like breast milk is doing well for him.

Solids for my six-month-old?

Solids for my six-month-old?

You should feed solids once a day OR LESS.

You should continue to breastfeed on demand.

You can prevent overeating, constipation, premature weaning and to some extent pickiness and allergies by allowing your baby to self feed rather than spoon feeding.

6 - 7 months Offer solids once a day, at most. Many start out offering solids every few days or even less often.

7 - 9 months Watch baby's cues - this is particularly easy if baby nurses beforehand and most/all of the solids are offered to baby to self-feed. Increase solids gradually if baby is interested, with a maximum of 2 meals per day.

9 - 12 months Watch baby's cues - this is particularly easy if baby nurses beforehand and most/all of the solids are offered to baby to self-feed. Increase solids gradually if baby is interested. Aim for baby getting no more than 25% of her calories from solids by the age of 12 months (some babies eat less than this at 12 months and that's also normal).


Continue nursing on cue. Solid foods should not replace nursing sessions unless you're actively weaning.

Limit water to SIPS from a cup with meals.

Juice is not necessary for baby's nutrition. If you offer juice, limit to sips from a cup with meals and introduce it gradually just like any other new food. It's best to dilute juice with water and limit total juice intake to no more than 3-4 ounces a day.

She said children should be fed only with breast or formula milk for six months, then weaned onto solids to improve control over how much they ate.

This could prevent babies becoming picky about food.

Mrs Rapley has spent 25 years as a health visitor, and she said: "I found so many parents were coming to me with the same problems - 'my child is constipated, my child is really picky' - and they couldn't get them on to second stage baby food."


After six months, Mrs Rapley said babies were capable of taking food into their mouths and chewing it.

Therefore, feeding them pureed food at this time could delay the development of chewing skills.

Instead, she said, they should be given milk and solid pieces of food which they could chew.

Mrs Rapley argued that babies fed pureed food had little control over how much food they ate, thus rendering them vulnerable to constipation, and running a risk that they would react by becoming fussy eaters later in life.

She blamed the food industry for convincing parents that they should give children pureed food.

She said: "Sound scientific research and government advice now agree that there is no longer any window of a baby's development in which they need something more than milk and less than solids."

Many parents worry about babies choking. However, there is good reason to believe that babies are at less risk of choking if they are in control of what goes into their mouth than if they are spoon fed. This is because babies are not capable of intentionally moving food to the back of their throats until after they have developed the ability to chew. And they do not develop the ability to chew until after they have developed the ability to reach out and grab things. The ability to pick up very small things develops later still. Thus, a very young baby cannot easily put himself at risk because he cannot get small pieces of food into his mouth. Spoon feeding, by contrast, encourages the baby to suck the food straight to the back of his mouth, potentially making choking more likely.

It appears that a baby's general development keeps pace with the development of his ability to manage food in his mouth, and to digest it.


Babies who are allowed to feed themselves seem to accept a wide range of foods. This is probably because they have more than just the flavour of the food to focus on – they are experiencing texture, colour, size and shape as well. In addition, giving babies foods separately, or in a way which enables them to separate them for themselves, enables them to learn about a range of different flavours and textures. And allowing them to leave anything they appear not to like will encourage them to be prepared to try new things.

General principles of good nutrition for children apply equally to young babies who are managing their own introduction to solid foods. Thus, 'fast foods' and foods with added sugar and salt should be avoided. However, once a baby is over six months old there is no need (unless there is a family history of allergy or a known or suspected digestive disorder) to otherwise restrict the foods that the baby can be offered. Fruit and vegetables are ideal, with harder foods cooked lightly so that they are soft enough to be chewed. At first, meat is best offered as a large piece, to be explored and sucked; once the baby can manage to pick up and release fistfuls of food, minced meat works well. (Note: babies do not need teeth to bite and chew – gums do very well!)

There is no need to cut food into mouth-sized pieces. Indeed, this will make it difficult for a young baby to handle. A good guide to the size and shape needed is the size of the baby's fist, with one important extra factor to bear in mind: Young babies cannot open their fist on purpose to release things. This means that they do best with food that is chip-shaped or has a built-in 'handle' (like the stalk of a piece of broccoli). They can then chew the bit that is sticking out of their fist and drop the rest later – usually while reaching for the next interesting-looking piece. As their skills improve, less food will be dropped.

Yet experts say children over 6 months can handle most anything, with a few caveats: Be cautious if you have a family history of allergies; introduce one food at a time and watch for any problems; and make sure the food isn't a choking hazard.

Parents elsewhere in the world certainly take a more freewheeling approach, often starting babies on heartier, more flavorful fare — from meats in African countries to fish and radishes in Japan and artichokes and tomatoes in France.

The difference is cultural, not scientific, says Dr. Jatinder Bhatia, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' nutrition committee who says the American approach suffers from a Western bias that fails to reflect the nation's ethnic diversity.


The lack of variety in the American approach also could be a problem. Exposing infants to more foods may help them adapt to different foods later, which Ludwig says may be key to getting older children to eat healthier.

Food allergy fears get some of the blame for the bland approach. For decades doctors have said the best way to prevent allergies is to limit infants to bland foods, avoiding seasonings, citrus, nuts and certain seafood.

But Butte's review found no evidence that children without family histories of food allergies benefit from this. Others suspect avoiding certain foods or eating bland diets actually could make allergies more likely. Some exposure might be a good thing.

And bring on the spices. Science is catching up with the folklore that babies in the womb and those who are breast-fed taste — and develop a taste for — whatever Mom eats. So experts say if Mom enjoys loads of oregano, baby might, too.

Holidays also on this date Saturday, February 1, 2025...