Celebrate Your Name Week on March, 2025: Who celebrated no name calling week

Celebrate Your Name Week 2025. Celebrate Your Name Week (CYNW) is a holiday established in 1997 by American onomatology hobbyist Jerry Hill.

It's Celebrate Your Name Week!

Celebrate Your Name Week (CYNW) is a holiday established in 1997 by American onomatology hobbyist Jerry Hill.

Who celebrated no name calling week??

Is that what you call it?

; )

do protestants or evangelics or pentescotales whatever name of them celebrate the Holy week?I mean

do protestants or evangelics or pentescotales whatever name of them celebrate the Holy week?I mean the cruxifi

Do we celebrate Easter week? of course....

we remember Palm Sunday... and share what happened that day... that even while people were praising Jesus that day... Jesus wept while on that colt... for the people still did not know truly who he was.

we have the Maudy thursday service to remember first, the last supper and also the betrayal

we have the good friday service where we remember the horrors of the crucifixion and the pain we caused him on the cross... we cover the sanctuary with black cloths to remind us how sin/death seperates us from God

sunday, we have our Celebration Service with praises and thanksgiving for the gift of Salvation that comes when we turn from our sins and follow Jesus as our savior. There are times when we have baptisms (adult usually) and it is all about the Joy of the Resurrection...

have you accepted Jesus as your savior? Have you gone to him alone and turned your life to Him?

If Atheists can’t celebrate Christmas than Christians have to change the names of all the days of

If Atheists can't celebrate Christmas than Christians have to change the names of all the days of the week?

We are not threatened by the use of the days of the week or months of the year which named for Pagan gods. We could have changed these names centuries ago but we didn't. There is no need. Almost no one even knows who Tyr and Frige are anymore.

Monday is just Monday and has no relevance to the moon for anyone.

It was the atheistic French revolutionaries that tried to change the names of the days of the week or months of the year and failed.

With love in Christ.

Holidays also on this date Saturday, March 1, 2025...