Eat Your Vegetables Day 2024 is on Monday, June 17, 2024: do eat vegetables every day?

Monday, June 17, 2024 is Eat Your Vegetables Day 2024. National Eat Your Vegetables Day National Eat Your Vegetables

Eat Your Vegetables Day

Five each day is only the beginning point on Eat Your Veggies Day, when you are urged to create a solid make an effort to eat all your vegetables. Why don't you go one step further if you attempt new or exotic veggies, or planning and cooking familiar favourites in exciting and new quality recipes?We’ll even allow you to pull off including tomato plants like a vegetable (they’re really a fruit) with this day, too.

do eat vegetables every day?

Vegetables every day, yes! You can not eat too many veggies. It's really great to eat leafy greens every day as well as a variety of other vegetables. On an ideal day I like to eat as many colours as possible. (Red pepper, orange carrots, yellow beans, green kale...) So delicious and healthy!

Is it bad to just eat vegetables for a day?

Is it bad to just eat vegetables for a day?

By the look of your picture, you dont need to lose weight

But, if you do want to shed the pounds, I feel its best that you maintain a BALANCED diet, as well as a healthy amount of exercize. When I say this, I mean hit the gym maybe 3 to 4 times a week (try to go every other day. If you enjoy it, you can go everyday, but 3 to 4 times is the ideal minimum). As for the diet, I would add a little bit more than just vegetables. Try eating some whole grains, fruits, some chicken, etc. Basicly, stick to homecooked meals that are made with ingredients YOU know are healthy, and eat them in moderation. Try eating a few small meals at a time, instead of 2 or 3 large meals in a day. I never dieted, but i had family that did. But, on top of these foods your eating in moderation, vegetables are an important part of your diet. Try maybe looking online for specific, weight-loss recipes, or you can try specific diets such as a soup diet. Vegetables alone are not effective in helping you maintain a good amount of energy in your body. Good luck. But sireously, based off of your picture, you DONT look like you need to loose weight. Try instead to just maintain your weight.

how much fruits and vegetables should I eat per day?

how much fruits and vegetables should I eat per day?

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that you’re supposed to eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. But do you have any idea what that means?

Studies show that eating more vegetables and fruits has been linked to a lower risk of lung, oral, esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer–and the USDA food pyramid recommends eating 3 to 5 servings of vegetables and 2 to 4 servings of fruit a day. Which actually equals out to a range of 5 to 9 servings a day. But how do we know what’s in a serving, and how many should we eat within the combined 5 to 9 range? It has become even more confusing when the talk shifts from servings to cups, which are not necessarily the same.

Your daily fruit and vegetable needs depend on your calorie needs, which are determined by your age, sex, and physical activity level. To find out how many servings you need, I really like this calculator created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It keeps it very clear by telling you how many cups you need daily. I was interersted to find that for my age, gender and activity the calculator recommends 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables every day–how much do you need?

To get an idea of how much one cup is, here is a quick summary:

one large banana

eight large strawberries

two large plums

fifteen grapes

one apple

one pear

one cup of raw or cooked vegetables

two cups of raw leafy greens

one half cup dried fruit

twelve baby carrots

one large ear of corn

A half cup is equal to:

one half cup orange or other fruit juice

five broccoli florets

six baby carrots

one half grapefruit

one medium wedge of cantaloupe

half of a baked sweet potato

one quarter cup of raisins

five broccoli florets

Holidays also on this date Monday, June 17, 2024...