Every Day is Tag Day 2025 is on Saturday, April 5, 2025: Do you REALLY walk your dog every day?

Saturday, April 5, 2025 is Every Day is Tag Day 2025. Every Day is Tag Day Every Day is Tag Day™

Do you REALLY walk your dog every day?

I set my alarm for 6 every morning so I can take my dogs out for a half-hour walk to the park before I go to work. After I get home from work I'll take them on an hour long hike if the weather's warm, otherwise I take them to the park again and let them run around for half an hour or so. If it's raining I'll take them out quickly to do their business and then play games inside, but I generally try to stick to two solids walks a day because they expect it and get really confused if I deviate from it, I've actually found that my energy levels have been way better ever since I started following this schedule, and it keeps the puppies happy.

A big backyard is no substitute for daily walks unless your yard is a national forest.

What is American Tag Day?

What is American Tag Day?

Tag ......you're it.

According to a study of 1,000 animal shelters, conducted by the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, approximately 1 million dogs and 584,000 cats were taken in as strays. Unfortunately for both owners and animals, only 16% of the dogs and 2% of the cats were returned to their owners. These statistics are alarming.

By celebrating Every Day is Tag Day, we can help combat these statistics. Every Day is Tag Day unites thousands of individuals, plus professionals in local shelters, veterinary clinics, animal care and control agencies, and other humane agencies, in the common goal of educating pet owners about the benefits of tagging their companion animals.

Acid and gas every single day?

Acid and gas every single day?

My mother is free of GERD and LPR (suffered both severely for 5 years) and gastritis (suffered for 25 years). She threw away nexium (after trying a simple baking soda home test showing severely insufficient stomach acid) and started betaine HCL with pepsin supplements to help with stomach acid insufficiency and digestive enzyme supplements to help with digestion. When she is low in magnesium (on and off) this supplement is needed to prevent acid reflux (low magnesium is a cause of acid reflux).

Probiotics are also a great supplement to help with gastrointestinal inflammation and acid reflux. There is also the H Pylori bacteria which is a cause of acid reflux - treatment is triple antibiotic therapy. You may have a medical condition such as Celiac Disease (causes both diarrhea and acid reflux) for instance. There was a study done by Dr Habba on chronic diarrhea....

"No IBS Theory

In a study recently published in Medical Hypotheses (in press 2010), Dr. Habba analyzed 575 patients presenting with previously diagnosed diarrhea predominant IBS (IBS-D). 303 patients completed all the testing and follow up necessary to be included in the results. The study concluded that 98% of these patients had conditions other than the previous diagnosis of IBS.

When these conditions were identified and appropriately treated, 98% of them improved as assessed by fewer than three bowel movements per day. Habba Syndrome constituted 41% of the patients studied, post-cholecystectomy diarrhea 23%, lactose intolerance 8%, microscopic/lymphocytic colitis 7%, celiac disease 4% and several other specific conditions comprised the balance.

This result is very encouraging and is in contrast with the results presently achieved by treating “IBS”. Physicians frequently fall short of “getting to the bottom” of the problem by tagging patients with “IBS”, a vague entity that merely describes their symptoms and usually results in a poor therapeutic outcome.

These findings lead to the theory concluding that there is no IBS-D. Patients need to be evaluated thoroughly until a true clinical entity is found and treated."

The links below have more information...

No IBS theory:

Digestive Enzymes - King of Indigestion, Bloating and Acid Reflux Remedies:


Betaine HCL with pepsin:

Enzymes and digestion:

Low stomach acid:

Baking Soda Test for Stomach Acidity:

3 simple steps to eliminating heartburn and acid reflux:

Side effects of antacids and acid blockers:

Holidays also on this date Saturday, April 5, 2025...