Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Day 2024 is on Monday, September 9, 2024: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders?

Monday, September 9, 2024 is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Day 2024. CTH FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders?

I think people just need to have more thoughts about what they do during pregnancy.

Like one person may smoke during pregnancy and the other pregnant woman looks to her and see's that her baby was born fine. That doesn't mean it hasn't had internal problems or that the second woman's baby is going to be born fine.

People these days just don't care, and mothers especially in the UK are struggling because the government have taken so many things away like Child Trust Funds and things, can you imagine having to live with a child that is poorly because you were stupid enough not to follow guidelines from midwives and things.

I think it is harder for the woman and men who have children that are poorly and have stuck to everything they could during pregnancy. It is completely unfair on them. It's also unfair on people who cannot conceive.

What is the fetal alcohol Syndrome?

What is the fetal alcohol Syndrome?

FAS, now called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, is a constellation of behavioral and physical signs that occur in children born of women who drank chronically (every day) during pregnancy. There is some good animal research suggesting that "critical periods" during prenatal development are susceptable to single large doses of alcohol and produce FAS/FASD as well. However, there are no known cases of single doses of alcohol causing FASD in humans. Symptoms include: small head, small, chin, thin lips, flat nose/face, epicanthal folds on the inside eye lids, and mental retardation (IQs of ~70 or less). Caused by alcohol abuse. Mechanism unknown but may involve direct toxic effect of alcohol of nerve growth and development as well as effects of alcohol on retinaldehyde and other important biochemical co-factors in nerve growth and development. For a diagram or photos of FASB try NIAAA website or the recommended text below.

fetal alcohol effects/syndrome?

fetal alcohol effects/syndrome?

You have a legitimate reason to be concerned about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs). Any amount of alcohol consumed by a woman during pregnancy can cause them - and the more a woman drinks, the more likely her child is to have an FASD. Your description of your experience now and as a young child does fit with people who have FASDs. You don't say how old you are, but you should talk with your doctor about this and get evaluated. You may need to be referred to a specialist. However, there is NO medication that cures an FASD, nor does it make you more likely to get all those other disease listed by the previous respondant. (And personally, I'm not sure what good it would do you to sue your mother, but that would be a personal decision. I'm pretty sure your mother did not drink to intentionally harm you - very few (if any) mothers ever do!)

But, with a diagnosis, there are resources that can help you with any issues that come from having an FASD (learning and such.) So it definitely is worth checking out. The only way to do that and access the resources, however, is to talk first with your doctor. A great website that can give you more information and help you find someone to contact is www.nofas.org.

Holidays also on this date Monday, September 9, 2024...