Gin Day 2024 is on Friday, June 14, 2024: what if i drink 350ml of gin every day? i am 30?

Friday, June 14, 2024 is Gin Day 2024. cocktail o'clock: world gin day - Everyday Food Blog - MarthaStewart. Happy World Gin Day!

Gin Day

Gin Day is the official day to commemorate everyone's favored juniper-based spirit. Pack your glass with G&T, raise it high, chink it with a good friend's and toast good times.

what if i drink 350ml of gin every day? i am 30?

You will almost certainly get cirrhosis of the liver and one day it will fail, the recommended safety guidelines for alcohol consumption is 21 units per week for men with no more than four units in any one day, women can tolerate less alcohol so their limit is 14 units per week with no more than three of those units in any one day.

To calculate the number of units in a bottle, you multiply it's volume in ml. by it's alcoholic strength

in %Alcohol by Volume and divide by a thousand, Gin is normally 40%ABV.

350ml x 40%ABV = 14,000 divide by a thousand gives you 14 units a day when your limit is four, and 98 units a week when your limit is 21, I think it's pretty self explanatory after that if your a man.

I work in an alcohol rehab clinic where I see such problems on a daily basis.

how much did the cotton gin produce a day?

how much did the cotton gin produce a day?

A cotton gin could pick the seeds out of 50 lbs a cotton a day;by hand,a worker could only process about one pound a day.

do anybody know the two cotton gin names?

do anybody know the two cotton gin names?

cotton gin, machine for separating cotton fibers from the seeds. The charkha, used in India from antiquity, consists of two revolving wooden rollers through which the fibers are drawn, leaving the seeds. A similar gin was early used in the S United States for long-staple cotton. In the modern roller gin, rollers covered with rough leather draw out the fibers, which are cut off by a fixed knife pressed against the rollers. This type of gin cleans only about two bales per day, but it does not snarl or break the fibers.

The saw gin, invented by the American inventor Eli Whitney in 1793 and patented in 1794, consisted of a toothed cylinder revolving against a grate that enclosed the seed cotton. The teeth caught the fibers, pulling them from the seeds; the fibers were then removed from the cylinder by a revolving brush. This device, especially suited to short- and medium-staple cotton, has been mechanized and is used in commercial plants that are also called gins, where the fiber is conveyed from farm wagon to baler by air suction. Such plants have one or more gin stands, each with a series of from 70 to 80 circular saws set on a shaft. The fibers, freed from dirt and hulls, are pulled through a grid by the saw teeth to remove the seeds. The fibers are removed from the saw teeth by a revolving brush or by a blast of air (in more modern plants) and are then carried by air blast or suction to a condenser and finally to the baling apparatus.

Holidays also on this date Friday, June 14, 2024...