Hamburger Day 2024 is on Tuesday, May 28, 2024: Eating a hamburger every day?

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 is Hamburger Day 2024. Old-Fashioned Hamburgers - 100% fresh beef. Never frozen‎ See all Wendy's burgers choices.

Hamburger Day

The standard hamburger is a standard feature of western culture. Hamburger joints, takeaway food shops and all sorts of-evening-eateries serve them in their millions – with cheese, salad, gherkins and pickles, sausage and sauces. Why don't you celebrate Hamburger Day by looking into making your personal burgers?

Eating a hamburger every day?

You want to gaint 40 lbs of mostly muscle, not fat.

It doesnt matter what youre eating.....excess calories from any type of food will make you gain weight.

However, if you don't get on a serious muscle-building workout regimen, all of those calories will be converted to flab, not muscle!

So eat your three hamburgers a day, but remember to incorporate some weight lifting in there as well, or youll just end up looking like a pudgy tub of lard.....even worse than being skinny!

Hamburgers on Hot/Cold days?

Hamburgers on Hot/Cold days?

I would eat a hamburger anytime, any meal, any where, hot or cold days and my last day on earth!

If you ate 1 hamburger a day would you lose weight?

If you ate 1 hamburger a day would you lose weight?

Yeah, and you'd also lose a lot of muscle and experience malnutrition. Are you serious? This is possibly the world's worst diet plan.

1. It won't work because you'll get tired of starving yourself and eventually eat everything in sight.

2. You'll deprive your body of antioxidants and essential nutrients.

3. You'll be choosing one of the the least effective diet foods (hamburger) as the foundation of your diet.

4. You'll throw your body into starvation mode. It will actually begin to conserve fat.

Even lean hamburger gets over half its calories from fat. You might be able to lose weight because of the daily calorie deficit, but you can achieve this with any food, including potato chips and jelly beans.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, May 28, 2024...