Hot Enough For Ya Day 2024 is on Tuesday, July 23, 2024: First day of school outfit?!?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 is Hot Enough For Ya Day 2024. Hot Enough for Ya Day Hot enough for ya

First day of school outfit?!?

I like the second one, cause it is girlish enough and quite playful, and has a bit fun and pretty unic! Love this!

If it is possible to ya to go to school in short shorts, then the third is not bad. I would add a cute bright scarf to this one.

But the second one is adorable! Ull look cute and different from others!

Happy Canada Day, eh?

Happy Canada Day, eh?

*waves Canadian flag*

I'm from Alberta .. yesterday and today were HOT. I spent most of the day at the beach. Wishin' warm weather your way ... :)

What was your worst day ever.?

What was your worst day ever.?

achhhhh, hootman, how much time have ya got?

Yeahhhhhhhh, worst day still known in my family as the "Donut" incident.

I CANNA' do the story justice bro, but it started off with a back breaking day of phyiscal labor in the sun, doing a real Bee-yatch of a job, clearing decades of weeds and thorns and deeply rooted weeds, that all had to pulled up. I was an indepedent landscaper at the time, and my client wanted to basically tear down a patch of woods near her house, to eventually make a GARDEN space.

Just me, all by hand, no heavy, it was the project from hell.

I was on me' bicycle. riding , tired and sweaty, when I remembered I had a double date that night......and company would be starting off and returning to my apartment after dinner.

As was customary in those days....I stopped to pick up some snacks and donuts, for the tea we would all drink later. But the supermarket did not have the donuts I wanted. Bother. Okay, other stores in the I pedaled over to the other place. There were out too. Huh. How annoying. So I pedaled to the 3rd place.......dag nabbit.......then the 4th........DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!.........and then the 5th...............WTF????????????????? I just want a freaking box of DONUTS!

As you can I am running late.....I have company coming.....and no donuts.....this is a grave tragedy in my world. But wait, this is where it gets gnarly.

So I pedal over to the last possible store.....and run in, and JESUS CHRIST, what is this, a frigging DONUT strike ? It was a simple box of donuts........this was UNHEARD I left the store pretty agitated. On hopping back on my bike in a HUFF.......Isomehow snagged my chain, around my neck, and it went flying off. Oh great! Now I have to find it.

Just then, this car pulls up, right where I have to look on the ground . Okay, I look all around, and it's no where to be found

It's obviously under the I ask the guy, POLITELY to please move his car, so I can look for my chain.

He refuses. Sez he is waiting for his wife.

Yes, I understand that...........but ya see, I dropped something, and you might be right over it, and I am in kinda a hurry here.........

he refuses again.-.............

Okay, now I am I sorta flip out, and reached thru the window, and grabbed him by the collar......and shouted in his face to move the effing car BACK 5 feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well, he was STUNNED enough to do it..........and sure ENOUGH, there was the chain, right under his tire. Effing azzhole! So I wave the broken chain in his face, and get on my bike and pedal off.

Wait...........this gets better.................

as I am riding home........this car comes up alongside me, and starts to run me into the curb........

It's HIM. I crash and go down, hurting myself......and he looks over, grins, and then roars off, kicking gravel in my face, with his wheels.

Okay...............NOWWWWWWWWWWWW I am ready to MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bruised and bleeding........I get back on the bike......and head home.......eff the donuts.

I am almost there.......when this idiot comes screeching down the street, heading right TOWARDS me. He was some pyschopath, ......yeah, real big man, in his 2 ton machine, against my Bike.

He aims right for me........again, causing me to go down, and peels off, when he sees I am hurt.

Okay...............more pissed at MYSELF, because maybe I deserved all that for grabbing him first...........but this azzhole was trying to KILL me.

Fine.........I finally arrive home.....all cut up and bleeding, the bike is a girlfriend is standing there......I am late.

She' like............what happened to YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU??????????????

I was like "NOT ONE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT ONE GODDAMN WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So I jump in the shower,to get cleaned up and get ready, and the shower rod falls off and smacks me in the head really hard.

That was *IT*--............I just LOST it...............I burst out of the bathroom, stark naked, in a total uncontrollable rage and proceed to just start really flipping out.....turning tables over......smashing stuff.........just going totally apesh*t-

Just then, the other couple arrives..........their jaws DROP of course.......and my girlfriend is trying her best to calm me down..........but I was OD'ing on my own ADRENALINE at that point, and couldn't turn it off.........

someone called an ambulance..........and it took like all 5 of them to finally strap me down......and haul me away...............and I remember the ambulance guy, asking.........just what the problem was.........and in my hysteria, I said........."I couldn't find a box of DONUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

and with that..........they took me away.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, July 23, 2024...