International Bat Night 2024 is on Thursday, August 29, 2024: HELP!! Bat problem in my house!!!?

Thursday, August 29, 2024 is International Bat Night 2024. International Bat Night International Bat Night

HELP!! Bat problem in my house!!!?

The best place to get help with your bats is Bat Conservation International, located in Austin, Texas. They can advise you and even help with the situation without causing harm to the little guys.

Just Google Bats Conservation International, and all the necessary contact information and helpful hints will be available. They are a VERY good and knowledgeable organization.

If your bats are having babies, now is not the best time to get rid of them. If the babies die within your house, the stink will be awful. Wait until the youngsters leave the roost to take the preventative actions.

You should confirm this with Bats Conservation International, but the best way to get rid of the bats is not with netting over their entrance holes. Once the entrance/exit holes are located, it is a simple matter of placing a flexible patch of cloth over the hole, attached only at the top (like a flap, or dog door). The bats can exit but cannot re-enter. This way, they will leave and find some place else to roost.

Bats are FAR, FAR to important to the environment to destroy. The bats of the USA kill "tons" of insects each and every night. Can you imagine how many insects that is? And Mosquitoes, Flies, Gnats, Moths, and many others are among their prey.

How to get rid of Bats in attic in Minnesota?

How to get rid of Bats in attic in Minnesota?

Read Bat Conservation International website

Hope this helps


Select reading from Bat Conservation International

~If bats move in~

As bats lose their natural roosts in trees and caves, they are sometimes forced to seek shelter in human-made structures. There is little reason to evict these highly beneficial animals unless they are causing a problem or are considered a nuisance. Bats should, however, be prevented from entering human living quarters.

Permanently – and humanely – evicting bats from buildings is not particularly difficult, but it requires patience and attention to detail. You can do it yourself with the following detailed instructions. Or you may prefer to contact a BCI-approved bat-exclusion professional. You’ll find BCI’s state-by-state listing of professionals who pledge to use safe and effective exclusion methods here.

~Evicting bats from buildings~

Excluding bats from buildings requires establishing one-way exits through which the bats can leave but cannot return, while also sealing all other potential entry points. This process of eviction and exclusion is the only effective and permanent solution when bats in a building are unwanted

Never simply wait for bats to fly out at night and then seal openings. Not all of the bats leave at the same time, and some may remain inside all night, especially during storms. Instead, use tubes or netting as one-way valves that allow bats to leave, but not to reenter. These valves (or exclusion devices) must be placed over all openings that bats use to enter and exit. . . . These exclusion devices should be left in place for five to seven nights to ensure that all bats have left the building. After careful observation to be sure all bats have left, the one-way valves may be removed and the openings sealed.

~Installing a bat house~

When excluding bats from a building, it’s always a good idea to provide bats with a new place to live. For information on building or purchasing bat houses, visit the Bat House section of our website.

How do you get rid of Bats?

How do you get rid of Bats?

You're insane if you want to get rid of them. Bats are among the most beneficial animals on this planet, and we could NOT survive without them. That's a fact.

Bats consume TONS of insects every single night. Can you imagine just how many insects that is? Bats are the single largest consumer and controller of insects on the planet. 99.9% of all bats are harmless to humans, and even the Vampires that occasionally carry rabies are no real threat. You have a better chance of your pet dog giving you rabies than you do of a bat giving it to you.

Bats kill and eat the Mosquitoes, Flies, Gnats, Moths, Termites, and other harmful insects that surround your home every day.

There are many species of bats throughout the world, and even though most feed on insects, others actually help control the populations of other animals like spiders, snakes, lizards, frogs, fish, and even other bats. Fruit bats help spread seeds in the forests. Nectar feeding bats pollinate night-blooming cactus flowers.

Bats are gentle, sweet little animals that mean no harm to man, and if man will just leave them alone they will continue to help save our planet for us.

If some bats have congregated in your attic and you want them out, there are harmless, humane ways to keep them out without killing them.

Please give them the respect they deserve. Remember, you would not be here if it were not for them.

For further information about bats, check out Bats Conservation International on the internet.

Holidays also on this date Thursday, August 29, 2024...