Islamic New Year 2024 is on Friday, October 25, 2024: Difference between islamic and chirist year?

Friday, October 25, 2024 is Islamic New Year 2024. The Hijri New Year, also known as Islamic New Year ( ') is the day that marks the beginning of a new Islamic calendar year, and is the day on which the year count is incremented.


The Hijri New Year, also known as Islamic New Year ( ') is the day that marks the beginning of a new Islamic calendar year, and is the day on which the year count is incremented.

Difference between islamic and chirist year?

The Islamic calendar laps the Gregorian calendar every 35 years. 35 Gregorian years is 12783 days. 12780 days is 36 Islamic years.

Currently, the Islamic year count is 579 behind the Gregorian. So in 20,844 Gregorian years (279 x 35), Both calendars will be at the same year count.

Question about Islamic New Year?

Question about Islamic New Year?

The new islamic year was in 12/29/2008. Islamic year depends on moon cycle. there are 12 months and some months are 29 days, others are 30 days, this is why there is a difference between the islamic and the christian year. the first year started when the prophet Mohammad traveled from Mecca to Medina where he established the Islamic state. We muslims celebrate it by doing good deeds and strengthen our faith. people organize festivals for islamic songs and so... it's a holiday in most muslim countries.

Question about Islamic New Year?

Question about Islamic New Year?

Islamic Calender is based on movement of moon instead of sun.

Islamic month starts with moon siting, that means first siting of crescent.

Chinese calender also based on movement of moon.

Christian calender year count started with birth of Prophet Jesus, in contrary Islamic year count started with great holy migration of believers of Allah from Maccah to Madinah, when non believers of Maccah make life hard for believers.

First month of Islamic calender called Muharram, and last( 12 th.) is Zil Hajah.

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