Kid Inventors' Day 2025 is on Friday, January 17, 2025: Some inventionsinnovations that are more boy-oriented?

Friday, January 17, 2025 is Kid Inventors' Day 2025. Kid Inventors' Day K.I.D. kid inventors

Some inventions/innovations that are more boy-oriented?

This may fall under your idea of boring inventions but just an idea. How about the Predator spy plane? Although the initial concept was developed years ago, significant advancements have been made. You may think a spy plane would only be used at war but they are actually helpful in natural disaster situations, having been used recently to monitor flooding in North Dakota. Check out the links I have provided.

Otherwise...think kids. Adults seem to be more intrigued when a kid invents something. Check the 'inventors' link posted below for ideas.



I'd help you if your link was working. Go back, copy it again and add it as details to this question.

edit: Aah, Logo, the kid's news on ZDF. :)

How detailed do you need it? I just listed the 3 main topics:

It talks about the closing of the Tempelhof airport in Berlin. It was the oldest airport in the world.

- pilot is sad about last flight

- Tempelhof had to close because it didn't make enough money and Berlin has 2 other airports

- it played a pivotal role for Berlin after WW 2, because airplanes supplied the city with food and wood for heating (the so-called "Luftbrücke" = air bridge)

- shortly before midnight the last 2 historical planes took off and then it closed forever


- situation is dangerous in the country

- refugees fleeing their towns

- civil war

- looting, arson and murders taking place ---> citizens fleeing from violence

- humanitarian organizations are doing their best to help

They also visit Germany's largest Mosque in Duisburg.

- new mosque opened, biggest and most beautiful in Germany

- when you go in, you first have to wash your face, hands and feet (separate rooms for men and women)

- then you take your shoes off and go into the prayer rooms (again separate)

- it has enough room for 800 men

- the rooms were a cantine before they built the mosque

- 5 Turkish artists worked for 8 months painting the decorations on the wall

- kids can come and do their homework there, it also houses religious festivities


- argument between coach Jogi Löw and team captain Michael Ballack

- they met but are not saying what came of it

And kids present their inventions at the Inventor's Convention in Nürnberg.

- pizza slice cutter that makes all slices the same size


- "pumpkin man" carves presidential candidates' faces into pumpkins


- they'll have a special edition of Logo the next day, focusing on the election

Weather report.

~ The End. ~

There you go, that's your homework for you. Good luck explaining how you did this, lol. ;)

I need help! I home school and need things to do with my 3rd grader kindergartener to do!?

I need help! I home school and need things to do with my 3rd grader kindergartener to do!?

The first thing you need to do, if you have not done so already, is find out the laws regarding homeschooling in your state. You will want to ensure you are meeting all of the legal requirements.

The second t hing you need to do is to decide what type of curriculum you want to use, if any. There is a wide variety, and before investing time and money into something that may or may not work for your family, I suggest you join a local homeschool association. They would be glad to let you look over their materials, so that you can make an informed decision.

Some things that I recommend are:

World Book Encyclopedia has a Typical Course of Study. Go to their website and click on the Parents tab adn then on Typical Course of Study. It is divided by grade level, from Preschool-12th grade. It is just an overview of topics generally covered, but will give you an idea to build upon.

A Beka Book is a provider of curriculum to private and home schools. You can go to their website and download the Scope & Sequence, which like the Typical Course of Study above is just an outline, but gives you an idea of topics covered in each grade. While there, request their free catalog and/or look for a materials display near you where you can view the materials and see if they would work for you. They have a variety of different programs for homeschoolers.

The What Your ___ Grader Needs to Know series. This is available at your local library and/or book store, and there are editions for Preschooler-Sixth (grader).

There are an endless array of websites for young children that offer educational games. is good for reading, might be good for your younger child. Even the Disney and Nickelodeon sites have games and activities, and do not miss and websites for The History Channel, etc.

Check out websites for children's magazines, and/or subscribe to those magazines. Highlights (there are versions for different ages), National Geographic Kids (again, versions for different ages), Ranger Rick and Your Big Backyard, etc.

Many government agencies have educational activities and materials available for free on their websites, such as the Department of Natural Resources and the Forestry Commission, etc.

Look for community programs- where I live, the zoo and museum offer educational programs for children, some geared specifically towards homeschoolers. Libraries and book stores have similar programs, as do even Home Depot and Lowes, craft stores such as Michael's and AC Moore, etc. And, of course, even if there are not specific programs, field trips to such places are very enriching.

The library is your greatest resource. They should read books for fun, but you can also get books on topics that they are studying and/or that interest them. Black History Month? How about learning about George Washington Carver and his many inventions (and today is National Inventor's Day) or Harriet Tubman's role in the Underground Railroad, etc. Science? How about studying weather, animals, plants, etc.

Story Stretchers are another good resource. Available from, they give ideas for incorporating music, arts and crafts, science, games, and other lessons into popular children's stories. Even snacks!

If you have a teacher supply store near you (and you probably do) then they have a wide variety of materials available, from literature units to science project ideas, etc.

Look for other homeschoolers...go to and type in "My City" homeschool with "My City" being the name of your area, of course. Try state, county, etc. also if you do not get matches for your city.

I hope this helps and wish you the best!

Holidays also on this date Friday, January 17, 2025...