Lincoln's Birthday 2025 is on Wednesday, February 12, 2025: Why the war on Lincoln's Birthday?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 is Lincoln's Birthday 2025. Lincoln's Birthday is a legal holiday in some U.S. states, including Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, New Jersey, and New York.

Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln's Birthday is a legal holiday in some U.S. states, including Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, New Jersey, and New York.


The Lincoln's Birthday Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom (LBCDIF) was an antifascist organization of scientists founded by Franz Boas in 1938 to discredit the theories of race being forwarded by the Nazis in Germany.

Why the war on Lincoln’s Birthday?

Yesterday was Presidents' Day. Tomorrow is Washington's Birthday. You would think that someone who celebrates Lincoln's Birthday would realize that it was last week, not this week. It appears that you are just another immature troll who can't type (or is merely unaware of spelling and grammar).

I am sure that the imaginary clerk will be much better off not that they no longer need to deal with you. Maybe when you get home from school, you can make up another new character to inhabit your life. It must be awfully empty without real people.

when is Lincoln’s birthday?

when is Lincoln's birthday?

February 12, 1809.

There's actually loads of stuff going on for his 200th birthday this year. There's going to be 80 exhibitions at various museums in DC.

have you ever celebrated Abraham Lincoln’s birthday?

have you ever celebrated Abraham Lincoln's birthday?

Every year. It's my dad's birthday too. Have a good one!

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