Memento Mori "Remember You Die" Day 2025 is on Friday, January 3, 2025: Memento mori ?

Friday, January 3, 2025 is Memento Mori "Remember You Die" Day 2025. Memling_Vanity_and_Salvation.jpg For other uses, see Memento

Memento mori ?

I expect it's always in the back of my head. I actually bring it up to conscious awareness at least once a week, probably more. Certainly every time I read about another celebrity who died and go to wondering whether he or she was older or younger than myself.

As Mick Jagger pointed out a long time ago, "What a drag it is getting old!" It's just that I'm not ready to stop getting older.

Latin tattoo, carpe diem + memento mori?

Latin tattoo, carpe diem + memento mori?

Nothing changes in this case - just "carpe diem, memento mori". Of course, you can reverse it, as you suggested, if you wish.

Opposite of Memento Mori?

Opposite of Memento Mori?

Carpe Diem seize the day

One interpretation of the phrase might be as an existential cautionary term, much like "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die," with emphasis on making the most of current opportunities because life is short and time is fleeting. It has some connections with another Latin phrase, Memento mori.


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