National AIDS Awareness Month on October, 2024: what month is national aids month?

October, 2024 is National AIDS Awareness Month 2024. aidsawa1.gif National AIDS Awareness Month

what month is national aids month?

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day is May 18th; National HIV Testing Day is June 27th; World AIDS Day is December 1st. October and December are both listed as AIDS Awareness Month, depending on which organization is sponsoring the activity.

Is there a National Abortion Awareness month?

Is there a National Abortion Awareness month?

February is kind of understood as the closest to it- it's when we have Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day in Canada (on the 12th), so that's a great time to take some action to help prevent abortions, like supporting access to contraception, comprehensive sexual education, universal healthcare, family and child-friendly legislation (Family & Medical Leave Act, welfare and aid policies), etc.. If you know folks who are sexually active, make it a priority to ask them what means they're taking to protect themselves against unplanned pregnancy. Make sure your local pharmacies dispense and carry contraception and emergency contraception like Plan B. Donate to your local comprehensive family planning clinic like Planned Parenthood- remember, they prevent a vast majority of abortions every year by providing contraception and contraceptive counseling to low-income folks!

Hope that helps!

When is the U.S. National AIDS Awareness Month?

When is the U.S. National AIDS Awareness Month?

I dont believe it is a whole month. i may be wrong. i think it is December 1.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, October 1, 2024...