National Moonshine Day 2024 is on Wednesday, June 5, 2024: What is your favourite national stereotype.?

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 is National Moonshine Day 2024. Runs with Spatula Happy National Margarita Day

What is your favourite national stereotype...?

My grandmother on dad's side is Polish, and she isn't exactly the shiniest peanut in the turd, especially when she's drunk on cheap beer.

My grandpa, her hubby, is an inbred southern redneck who is really into Dueling Banjos, so don't ever bend over around him, and yes, he's drunk all the time, too, on moonshine.

My grandma on mom's side is American Indian, and she actually is drunk all the time, and then she beats the hell out of everybody and scalps them.

My grandpa, her hubby, is French-Italian. So he's a wine-drinking, foul-smelling, nookie-munching surrender-monkey half the time, and the rest of the time he's stuffing his best friends in the trunk and beating the sh!t out of his kids, including his twenty-seven spaghetti-twirling, thieving little bastards from all around the neighborhood, who then get buggered by their priest.

I always thought you English were a bunch of world-dominating, Guinness-downing, great puking poofters with really bad horse-teeth? My god... I think I might be a limey bastard!

Do you think George W. Bush (in office 2001-2009) was a good president?

Do you think George W. Bush (in office 2001-2009) was a good president?

I was not going to answer. But I must, to enlighten the others.

The answer to the question, is 'no'.

People claim that George W. Bush has performed well in matters of national security. This is false. I have proof.

Proof 1: President George W. Bush failed to protect America, its citizens and financial securities, on September 11, 2001. No matter his response. People ignore the fact that the events of September 11, 2001, are a result of our President FAILING TO DO HIS JOB. Of course there were no more attacks after 9/11/01. There wouldn't be. Bush was scared by 9/11, into doing the job he was supposed to be doing BEFORE 9/11. You understand that?

Proof 2: national security means being prepared. With most of our military, more than half of our state's National Gaurd resources, and who knows how much financial energy going into Iraq right now, our country is primed for a plucking. China would beat our military back to our shores, if it so chose to attack, and if it did, we would lose the first two years of war to poor mobilization, lack of infrastructure, poor military readiness, and citizens unarmed to battle for their lives due to decades of loss of rights to bear equal arms.

Proof 3; When Katrina happened, it was a matter of national security.

Because Bush failed to comprehend the situation, because he willfully ignored the lives of our people, he in effect was challenging the United States Citizen to rise up in revolt, a 'reverse-psychology treason', if you will, is what this is summed up to.

He was not a good president for myriad other reasons.

Proof 1: It is a constitutional right, a citizen must have privacy. WE lost this due to the failed presidency of Bush which allowed 9/11. The constitution is not being followed. As American's we have a right to demand accountability and answers and replace traitors to the paper. We cannot, because for centuries, our Presidents and Banking Institutions have eroded our will to uphold our rights, by using our belief systems, as protected by the constitution, and our religions.

Proof 2: After 9/11, the stock market was closed for days. Most investors from abroad, pulled out at that point. It was a mean slight of hand, false money from false banks created under the umbrella of the Dept. of H.S.(joke phrase), that held up our stock values until Bush no longer needed to convince the public he was Jesus post-9/11. This is why the market was killed in '08.

Bush didnt start the fire, but he fueled it like a madman with a keg of moonshine running down a rat who murdered his daughter post-sexual trauma.

Wake Up, My Fellow Citizens.

You are being lied to.

Not by me,

by your own mind.

Stop watching television for a month.

Listen to better music.

Do not use the radio for music.

Love your children and show them you do by playing games, reading, teaching them new skills, and finding their joy.

Cease to attend church.

Stop caring for the unborn more than the neighbor next door. Those of you who promote anti-abortion need to get your heads out... I dont see even ONE of you willing to raise an unwanted child if it is born,

and because you are unwilling, yet force these babies into the world,

we have crime on our streets.


and mine as well.

I will lead you all one day,

until then,

grow a brain.

Bush was as bad as any could be,

do you need it to be worse?


what if he had changed trade laws to allow America to be a country where corporations could form and use American taxpayer money to begin new projects,

yet were able to conduct all hiring, manufacturing, shipping, selling, and profit sharing overseas, and avoid paying taxes to the USA?

Oh wait,

he did that.

What about Unemployment in the United States.?

What about Unemployment in the United States.?

Never underestimate the stupidity of the American (or any other) voter.

Especially if there are no immediate & personal consequences for their vote.

The "tidbits" of unemployment extensions, no work search requirements, food stamps, the ability to get loans to stay in Universities (expensive Day-Care centers) indefinitely, supposedly working on a worthless degree (of which there are not now, nor will there ever be any jobs waiting), amnesty, waivers for free health-care, legalize the ability to screw & marry you dog, you can buy pot but not grow it (the "new" moonshine & prohibition), with 23 Million unemployed & likely to be permanently so (under him) ...

Nothing but blatant pandering of fringe issues to buy votes, and to HIDE a hideous record of total failure as a leader.

They're not fooling me.

Holidays also on this date Wednesday, June 5, 2024...