National Wait Staff Day 2024 is on Tuesday, May 21, 2024: May 21, 2007 is also National Wait Staff Day. How Ya Gonna Celebrate it?

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 is National Wait Staff Day 2024. National Wait Staff Day‎ Search for National Wait Staff Day Look Up Quick Results Now!

May 21, 2007 is also National Wait Staff Day. How Ya Gonna Celebrate it?

Wait staff have a tough job, I salute them all today with my corona.

Culturally Curious™, is Labor Day fair to all?

Culturally Curious™, is Labor Day fair to all?

Some workers take advantage of Labor Day to earn extra money. Many workers get time-and-a-half, double-time, etc. for working on a holiday. In my experience, people tip well on major holidays so waitstaff may earn more money on a holiday such as Labor Day.

Other workers get to "trade" holidays. By working Labor Day, they may get a different holiday off, a holiday which may be more meaningful to them.

For those who have to work (police officers, hospital workers, etc.), they need places to eat once they get off their shifts. After putting in a full day of work, should they then have to cook or skip a meal because restaurants are closed? Shouldn't they be allowed to eat out on a holiday which they already spent working?

Labor Day isn't going to be "fair" until everyone who works is allowed the day off, including news reporters, television broadcasters, movie theater personnel, electric company workers, and others whom we don't think about as we celebrate by eating out, watching television, and depending on others to keep our civilization going.

ROTC Contracting Army National Guard?

ROTC Contracting Army National Guard?

I'm not a commander, but I'm a Staff Sergeant so I'll weigh in. Divorce is hard. I had to kick my whore wife to the curb earlier this year. That doesn't make it okay to miss drill. Did you basically miss two drills or five days of annual training or what? Was the unit aware of the personal circumstances you were going through? It doesn't make it okay, but it can help them understand.

I would suggest getting your NCO support channel and PL together and talk to them about what they think. If they've seen you pull yourself together and lead the pack the last few month then they (esp the PL) will have a big impact on the commander if you have their endorsement.

If they are reluctant right now, do not take it personally, you did flake out. OCS is an option or you could ask what they want from you before giving you a recommendation. They may want a few more good drills. Can you put off contracting a few more months to negotiate in good faith with them? Try to be flexible.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, May 21, 2024...