Pet Diabetes Month on November, 2024: How to maintain a Hamster with Diabetes?

November, 2024 is Pet Diabetes Month 2024. Rosewood Pet Products — Welcome Pet Diabetes Information

How to maintain a Hamster with Diabetes?

Although it can affect all species, diabetes is normally seen in the Campbells Dwarfs and is assumed to be an inherited disease. It generally strikes between 7 and 9 months of age and can be triggered by diet, stress or a dirty cage. Symptoms include excessive drinking and urinating and possibly shaking, trembling and a low body temperature. Severe cases can also result in a coma. Contact a veterinarian at the earliest signs. Although there is no cure for diabetes, steps can be taken to enhance the quality of life for the ailing hamster. For rehydration purposes, with veterinarian directions, a solution of unflavored pedialyte can be given in the water bottle. If a sugar free diet is recommended, the following can be fed: a good quality seed mix, alfalfa, carrots, potatoes and boiled egg. Don't feed any of the commercially prepared hamster treats since many of them contain molasses and corn syrup.

Hope I helped!

how do you take care of a child with diabetes?

how do you take care of a child with diabetes?

8 is too young for diabetic kidney disease. Diabetic kidney disease almost never develops until puberty, and even then it takes a while before it has symptoms. Also there's no such thing as systemic kidney disease.

8 is on the young side to be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, but not too young- about a quarter of people with type 1 diabetes are diagnosed at that age or younger.

You seem to be imagining diabetes as being a little more crisis to crisis than it is. Most eight year olds with diabetes have been hospitalized when they were diagnosed, but that's it.

Most 8 year old diabetics' mother test their children's blood sugar when the kid gets up, and either give a shot (or two) of insulin, or else tell the child how much to bolus through an insulin pump (about a third of diabetic children in the US wear insulin pumps- in some European countries most diabetic children wear insulin pumps and in other places very few pump). Most the day is pretty normal. Depending on the mother and the nurse, the nurse might call as much as every day, and/or with things like "there is going to be a birthday party tomorrow what do you want me to do", or might never call unless they run low on supplies like test strips for the blood sugar meter.

Blood sugar probably gets tested before every meal, before and probably after exercise (including gym class) before bedtime, any time the kid feels funny, and some parents also test in the middle of the night. In kids without an insulin pump, shots could be given on any of a bunch of different plans, the most common being before breakfast, before supper, and bedtime, although another reasonably common scheme would be before any time the kid eats anything, any time the blood sugar reading is high, plus one scheduled shot that could be any chosen time of day. On a pump, there would rarely be any shots, but the infusion set would have to changed every 2-3 days, and insulin would be bolused through the pump before every meal and whenever the blood sugar reading is high.

It is recommended that diabetic children see a pediatric endocrinologist 2-4 times per year, and many also see a diabetes educator. Some may also see a family psychologist, and a of nutritionist or dietician, as needed.

Most diabetic 8 year olds are normal weight and are tired of people expecting them to be fat. Those who happen to be overweight are especially sick of people who think the weight is the reason that they are diabetic. Diabetic children are very slightly more likely to be overweight, and considerably more likely to be underweight (because very poorly controlled diabetes causes the body to be unable to use food), compared to nondiabetic children, but the majority are normal weight.

Type 1 diabetes can be diagnosed at any age from about 6 months to really elderly. Depending on the country and ethnic group, average age at diagnosis ranges from about age 12 to age 18. About 1 in 8 kids with diabetes has a parent or sibling with type 1 diabetes, and another 1 in 8 has a grandparent or uncle or aunt with type 1 diabetes.

Eight year olds with diabetes are not likely to even get tested for kidney disease, because they are not considered to be at risk yet. Those who do have kidney disease typically have it from something that's not diabetes- for instance, lupus or IGA nephropathy.

The disease most commonly found in eight year olds with diabetes is celiac (which isn't caused by the diabetes, it's just caused by the same thing that causes type 1 diabetes- autoimmunity).

Most kids with diabetes think mostly about the same things non-diabetic kids think about. They talk about their pets, their friends, their sports heroes, the cartoon characters that are really funny, they make fart jokes... they're kids.

Their mothers make a little more sure that the kids are carrying a source of sugar on them in case of a low blood sugar.

do degus make go pets?

do degus make go pets?

I've always wanted a degu! the minimum cage size is 2ft but it is better to have a bigger one. Degus are great pets for older children and adults. They're friendly, inquisitive and easy to look after. With lots of attention they can become very tame. Degus are very intelligent and love to play and explore. They usually live between six to eight years.Degus are par t of the rodent family and love to chew everything. Therefore, it's essential that you buy an appropriate cage from which they can't escape. A wire cage is a good choice but it's impor tant that it has a solid (rather than mesh) base to prevent your pets developing problems with their paws.

Degus are very active, like to climb and need space to exercise. Ideally, their cage should have several levels or shelves as degus love to bound around from one level to another! Keep the cage out of direct sunlight and damp spots and away from anything which may cause rapid temperature fluctuations such as radiators or draughts. Degus don't like high temperatures so don't keep them in an overly warm room.

You should provide a large wooden nesting box full of hay for them to sleep in. Clean branches from stoneless fruit trees such as an apple tree will provide entertainment as will gnawing blocks. Cuttlebone is great for chewing on and provides calcium. Wooden and woven toys made from natural materials are always welcome – you'll find these in your local Pets at Home storeThere are a few specific diets for degus and Pets at Home degu nuggets are recommended for your pets. It's important to feed them what they're used to as this will help to prevent stress caused by changing their food at the same time as their surroundings. Good quality hay, such as Timothy hay, should always be available as should fresh water in a sturdy bottle.

Never feed your pets foods that are high in fat or sugar (sucrose, glucose, fructose) or honey as this can cause diabetes and will make them very ill. Fresh (not dried) fruits in very small quantities make ideal occasional treats.

Pets at Home stocks a selection of small animal treat sticks which may be given to your pets occasionally. However, you must check that they're specifically designed for Degus as some treats will be too big for them and may contain sugar.

Vitamin supplements are useful to ensure your degus remain in optimum health and mineral treats are also popular.

You'll need to buy a sturdy feeding bowl that is hard to tip over such as a heavy earthenware or stainless steel bowl. Uneaten food should be removed everyday and the food bowl and bottle should be cleaned and refilled daily.There are a few specific diets for degus and Pets at Home degu nuggets are recommended for your pets. It's important to feed them what they're used to as this will help to prevent stress caused by changing their food at the same time as their surroundings. Good quality hay, such When you take your degus home, allow them a few days to get used to their new surroundings without being disturbed. You should then start talking to them quietly so that they get used to your voice.

The next step is to introduce your hand into their cage and perhaps offer a treat. Once they're comfortable with you, you can pick them up. Hold your pet close to your chest so that it’s facing you with one hand over its back and the other hand supporting its bottom. It’s important that you handle your pets regularly to develop their confidence and maintain your relationship with them. Degus do wriggle a lot but once they’re at ease with you, they may sit on you and allow you to stroke them.

Never pick a degu up by its tail. This could harm your pet and is very painful.

Degus are very clean pets. Their cage and toys should be cleaned thoroughly at least once a week using a pet-safe disinfectant.With the right care and attention degus are usually problem free. Avoiding sugary foods is vital to avoid diabetes. Feeding them correctly will help to avoid issues in later life. As with all pets you should ensure that your degus are kept in clean and hygienic conditions.

Vitamins and supplements

Vitamins can be added to your pets’ food or water. Probiotic supplements can help to maintain healthy digestion and relieve stress. Getting used to their new surroundings can be stressful for your degus so consider buying probiotic supplements before you take them home.


Providing a dust bath filled with chinchilla sand several times a week will enable your degus to groom themselves, keeping their coats clean and shiny. Dust baths should be removed after half an hour or so to prevent them from becoming soiled.

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