Queen's Official Birthday 2024 is on Friday, June 14, 2024: What date is the Queen's official birthday in 2007?

Friday, June 14, 2024 is Queen's Official Birthday 2024. The Queen's Official Birthday (King's Official Birthday in the reign of a male monarch) is the selected day on which the birthday of the monarch of the Commonwealth realms (currently Queen Elizabeth II) is officially celebrated in those countries.

Queen Elizabeth II smiles with

The Queen's Official Birthday (King's Official Birthday in the reign of a male monarch) is the selected day on which the birthday of the monarch of the Commonwealth realms (currently Queen Elizabeth II) is officially celebrated in those countries.

What date is the Queen’s official birthday in 2007?

Her Britannic Majesty will celebrate Her Official Birthday on the 16th June 2007.

Her Majesty's Real Birthday is of course on Saturday, 21st April 2007, two days before William Shakespeare's birth and death anniversary.

Her Majesty will be 81 on Saturday.

Only another 5 years before our Beloved Queen celebrates Her Diamond Jubilee.

Who’s heard about the Queen’s birthday parade?

Who's heard about the Queen's birthday parade?

Queen Elizabeth II has a birthday parade every year to celebrate her official birthday...

Don't tell me you have never heard of "Trooping The Colour"

is it the Queen’s birthday?

is it the Queen's birthday?

Both .. This year her official Birthday coincides with the Jubilee celebrations

Her real Birthday which she celebrates in private was on April the 21st

Holidays also on this date Friday, June 14, 2024...