Slinky Day 2024 is on Friday, August 30, 2024: Are ernie ball Beefy Slinky good for green day songs?

Friday, August 30, 2024 is Slinky Day 2024. It's Slinky Day! it's also Slinky Day!

Slinky Day

The standard Slinky was invented within the 1940′s by Navy engineer and inventor, Richard James. It demonstrated an instantaneous hit, and selling out in a couple of hrs, rapidly grew to become our favourite toys. Slinky Day remembers the standard Slinky, and really should be spent doing slinky methods, watching Slinkies race lower stairs, or just untangling the items because they inevitably knot, twist and spiral!

Are ernie ball Beefy Slinky good for green day songs?

In my opinion Ernie Ball Slinky's are perfect for all types of music. I play blues, to heavy rock and they sound great and I only change strings 1 every 2 months :)

Very reliable. They are expensive in the shops, like $20 a set, but I now buy mine on ebay AU for just $8.

Anyway back to your question... The hybrid slinky's are the best i think anyway, because they are .46- .09 perfect for deep rhythm and and perfect for solo's with bends :) It also depends on factors like the way your guitar is setup.

Strings are just strings, if your guitar is setup and maintained well then it should sound great, no matter what strings you have, but get Ernie Ball cos they're perfect :p

Thought for the day:?

Thought for the day:?

slinky and stairs= funny

people and stairs= hilarious

Thought for the Day?

Thought for the Day?

One of those days, huh? Yeah, there are times when I wish that we were cartoons, so I could drop an ACME anvil on a few people from time to time. Or pull the ground from under their feet and wait for the little puff of dust when they hit the bottom of the drop.

"You should be smiling today, there are so many people that didn't make it out of yesterday."

Holidays also on this date Friday, August 30, 2024...