Smart is Cool Day 2024 is on Tuesday, October 22, 2024: What are some really smart and cool pranks that's for April Fool's day?

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 is Smart is Cool Day 2024. Matt Bomer, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Cumberbatch & More Remind You ... Smart Is Cool Day

What are some really smart and cool pranks that’s for April Fool’s day?

Okay this is what i did. : Last april fools day my friends thought this one friend was gloating that she was going on a cruise and dint have to take eocs (which she did have to take:)) and we tricked her into thinking our friend was moving to new york. she fell for it and totally believed us!!! At the end of the day we told her the truth and quickly walked away. she was stunned and said wait what??? haha lol it was very funny so try it on your dumbest friend.

earth day experiment? please help?

earth day experiment? please help?

Smart Lightbulbs

Besides having a short life span, incandescent lightbulbs give off lots of heat and can cause your air conditioner to work much harder to cool your home. That’s just one of the reasons compact fluorescent bulbs are a better option.

You’ll need:

White towel

Gooseneck-style lamp

Mercury thermometer

Incandescent lightbulbs of different wattages—25, 60 or 75, 100 and 150 watts

2 compact fluorescent lightbulbs—7-watt and 23-watt

Ruler or yardstick

Watch or stopwatch

Paper and pencil to record your observations

To do: Put the towel on a table and set the gooseneck lamp on one end of the towel. Place the thermometer on the towel under the lamp bulb and measure the distance from the bulb. Unplug the lamp and screw in the smallest-wattage lightbulb first.

Measure and write down the starting temperature. Turn on the lamp and start your watch. At the end of five minutes read the thermometer and mark down the final temperature. Repeat the steps above with each bulb. Be sure to allow the lamp and towel to cool for half an hour between tests.


This experiment will help show the danger that oil spills in the ocean pose to water plants, fish and birds.

You’ll need:

Four sealable plastic bags



Motor oil

4 hard-boiled eggs

Watch or timer

Label the bags, A, B, C and D. Fill each with ½ cup water and ½ cup motor oil. (You can use vegetable oil with a few drops of food coloring as a substitute.) Place one egg in each bag. Remove the egg from bag A after 15 minutes, from bag B after 30 minutes, from bag C after one hour and from bag D after two hours. Carefully remove the shell from each hard-boiled egg. Those that stay in the oil-polluted water the longest will show the most damage.

Hope these help


Which one do you prefer to be,The "SMART" one or the "COOL" one?

Which one do you prefer to be,The "SMART" one or the "COOL" one?

I would prefer to be the smart one because one day, the smart one is going to be your boss.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, October 22, 2024...