Stress Awareness Day 2024 is on Tuesday, November 5, 2024: Wednesday 5th November is Stress Awareness Day, are people really aware of the dangers of stress?

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 is Stress Awareness Day 2024. Philanthropy in Motion: Day 118: National Stress Awareness Day National Stress Awareness Day

Stress Awareness Day

Stress influences us all, and no more so compared to in the workplace. The chemicals, adrenaline and hormones which develop in our systems in response to the pressures of day-to-day life have no chance to dissipate in our modern lives, and the impacts of this could be serious sufficient to cause considerable bodily and psychological harm.

Stress Awareness Day intends to advertise understanding of these particularly modern obstacles, and to assist people and organizations in altering behaviors and way of lives which might cause too much stress.

Wednesday 5th November is Stress Awareness Day, are people really aware of the dangers of stress?

I tend to become stressed by events beyond my control that are unfair or involve cruelty or ignorance, some of these are situations that I am unlikely to be able to change in my lifetime despite my best efforts. My remedy for this stress is to shout every obscenity and expletive known to man, and some more besides that I make up as I go along, while imagining the physical justice I would like to see meted out to the perpetrators of these events. It doesn't right any wrongs but the physical contortions I get into and the venting of my spleen bring my stress levels down to zero pretty quickly.



I work in a high stress job and use secular forms of meditation practice to help me to alleviate stress and anxiety.

Meditation is simply learning to live in the moment, when nothing distracts you and when you are not tied to the past or anxious about the future. In meditation you become peacefully aware of your real self. The more you use it, the more aware you become. When you learn to live life for each moment, to enjoy and appreciate life to the fullest at that moment, you suddenly become impervious to the myraid of doubts and fears that you've lived with all your life.

While there are many folks that seem to believe their particular mantra has "magical power", it really is the mindfulness that matters. The mantra is just one of the vehicles you can use to get there.

I developed a simple nonsectarian practice, but my background is in Buddhism - specifically Jodo Shinshu (aka Shin) Buddhism, Nichiren Buddhism, and the nonsectarian teachings of the Bright Dawn Institute (aka Kubose Dharma Legacy).

Here is the simple, yet potent, meditation technique that I use with some recommended resources as well. Specific posture does not matter. If you are uncomfortable sitting on the floor, you can sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor.

Since I have medical issues, I do a simple form of secular mindfulness meditation to relieve stress and anxiety. This helps to reduce high blood pressure and the frequency of headaches. It is a practice recommended by my primary licensed physician and is not encumbered by any superstitious nonsense.

I have actually studied a wide variety of religions and paths. Being more musically inclined, I was initially attracted to the practices of Jodo Shinshu (aka Shin Buddhism) and Nichiren Buddhism - with the combination of chanting a rhythmic phrase (Nembutsu or Odaimoku) and/or sutra recitation to a visual object (a scroll of Amida or a Gohonzon). This is a more active form of meditation as compared to the silent form (see below for that). So I decided to create a nonsectarian alternative in that vein. One practice that I find helpful in the vein of the Way of Oneness (the realization of interdependence) is to chant “Be One, Be Peace” in a position of gassho (palms together in front of chest with fingers pointing upward - a traditional gesture of respect) to an object such as a Dharma Wheel or a drawing of enso (a circle - you can paint one on a while sheet of paper with a Chinese style brush - traditionally the circle is not fully enclosed - just do a Google search on enso to see examples) as used in Zen. Five minutes of this every morning before work does wonders for my blood pressure and stress level.

You are more than welcome to use the chant if you think you may find it possibly useful.

I use two forms: “Be One. Be Peace.” for those who prefer a four syllable “mantra” like “Namandabu.” Or “Be One. Be Love. Be Peace.” for those who prefer the pace of a six syllable “mantra” like “Nam(u) Myo-ho Ren-Ge Kyo” or “Na-Mu A-Mi-da Butsu.” People who like (or are drawn) to chant are attracted to the rhythm.

For me, the purpose of any practice is to encourage self-reflection, internalizing this awareness , and wonder/gratitude/awareness of the interdependent forces of the Universe (Dharmakaya - in Shin this is symbolized as Amida Buddha which allows practitioners to perceive these forces as “compassionate” and “caring” thus allowing us to relate to them easier, or as the Gohonzon in Nichiren Buddhism which is a calligraphic representation of the “Ceremony in the Air” from the Lotus Sutra which is also a representation of the interdependent forces of the Universe).

There are a couple of simple techniques for silent meditation as well. You do not have to sit on the floor. You can sit with erect back on a chair. Many people say try for 15 minutes twice a day. I say start with a simpler goal - 5 minutes twice per day. The benefits include stress management and relaxation benefits which help the body, increased mindfulness and focus, and increased energy. The mindfulness can be a benefit to your spiritual life, but meditation also has "non-spiritual" benefits. Here are two easy techniques:

Breathing meditation - 1) Check posture. 2) Close your eyes and relax. 3) Focus on your breath entering and leaving your body. 4) Count breaths mentally one to four. Repeat. 5) Don't fight a wandering mind, but calmly direct it back to task. 6) Sit for a minute afterwards.

"Mantra" technique (choose a personal "calm" word or phrase that you will repeat in your meditation - it can be from your religion or something as simple as "one" or "calm" – I use the nonsectarian “Be One. Be Peace” or “Be One. Be Love. Be Peace.”) - 1) and 2) as above in the Breathing meditation. 3) Listen to your breathing and let it relax you with each breath. 4) Once you are relaxed, mentally "hear" your "calm" word or phrase in your mind. Let it repeat in your mind. 5) Don't fight a wandering mind, but calmly direct it back to task. 6) Sit for a minute afterwards.

That is all there is to these very simple but beneficial meditation techniques. Many people think that something "mystical" should happen during meditation. Most often "nothing" happens and "nothing" should be expected.

Oh yes, and it didn't cost me anything to learn nor were there any "initiations" involved.

Some good resources on "secular" meditation are "The Calm Technique" by Paul Wilson as well as "The Relaxation Response" by Herbert Benson. If you need more formal "assistance" or "training" then I would look into Natural Stress Relief which was founded by former Transcendental Meditation instructors upset at the rising cost and ongoing superstition associated with TM. They charge $47 for their training compared with the $2,500 that TM would charge you.

Also look at these websites on Buddhism on the nonsectarian Bright Dawn teachings which have a heritage of Shin and Zen Buddhism:

I hope these are helpful!

how to manage stress?

how to manage stress?

See stress treatments, at ezy build, below, in section 42, and getting organised, in section 26. A certain level of stress is unavoidable, in modern society, so it is a good idea to develop effective coping methods. Light to moderate daily exercise helps fight stress. For some people, it helps to visualise a quiet, relaxing scene (imagine, as vividly as you can, that you are on a tropical beach, reclining comfortably; you luxuriate, as the the sun warms you, and a gentle breeze caresses your skin lightly, inhaling the tangy, sea scented, salt laden spray from the sparkling, translucent, aqua waves, crashing on the white, coral beach sand, and feeling the hot sand slip through your fingers in one hand, sipping your favorite drink with the other; all the while, the seagulls call, swoop and cavort playfully overhead in a cloudless, azure sky: you feel just like one of them, free to soar and cartwheel, or just glide in the moist, heavy air, and that this moment will last forever ... ).

Options: Try: ... & & & Relaxation Hypnosis Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it. The supplement DHEA is thought to counter the stress hormone, Cortisol. Ginseng & Lady's Slipper are recommended herbal remedies: see section 55, at ezy build, below. Practise daily, one of the relaxation techniques in sections 11, 2, 2c, or 2i; whichever works best for you, but the mindfulness breathing for 15 - 20 mns is ideal, although the progressive muscle relaxation can be learned quickly, and takes only several minutes, if pressed for time. Also see: ... & & ... & & at try the audio demonstration. At enter: "sounds of the ocean", & "ambient rain sound", & "mountain river sounds" in the searchbar.

Repeat: "I feel calm" and/or "I can handle this." Employ the EFT version for use in public, for which you can reasonably claim that you have a headache, as you massage/tap your temples, but it may be advisable to restrict yourself to subvocalising (saying it to yourself, in your mind, not aloud). Section 53, and pages 2, 2.q and 2.o refer. "Even though I sometimes suffer from stress, I deeply and completely accept myself". A variant of EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, which has been used successfully for those people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, insomnia, and anxiety, is shown in section 42, on page i, at I have found that the 2 - 3 minutes spent using the EMDR markedly reduces distractions to the relaxation process, and is well worthwhile. You can also multitask, using the gazing technique, as you walk/jog or exercise, by focusing on a distant object, or just focus awareness on how each step feels, noting any thoughts which flash across your mind, without pursuing any particular train of thought, just gently redirect your focus to the task at hand.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, November 5, 2024...