Vitamin C Day 2024 is on Thursday, April 4, 2024: Who drinks 1000mg vitamin C a day?

Thursday, April 4, 2024 is Vitamin C Day 2024. Vitamin C Capsules Nature MadeĀ® Vitamin C Can Meet Your Daily Vitamin C Needs.

Vitamin C Day

Load on lemon or lime, berries and eco-friendly vegetable for Vitamin C Day improve your defense mechanisms, protect against that cold and feel happy!

Who drinks 1000mg vitamin C a day?

I get enough vitamin C just from my diet (grapefruit anyone?) so I don't need supplements. And my skin is nice, thanks ;)

Also remember that your skin needs more nutrition than just vitamin C. Vitamin A plays a huge role in the health of your skin too - A carrot a day keeps the pimples away ;) Getting enough zinc helps scabs heal faster, vitamin B can regulate hormones and keep acne at bay, sufficient iron improves blood flow and circulation so your skin has a healthy glow, vitamin E helps keep it smooth, etc etc

If you aren't sure if your diet is providing the proper nutrition, check out a site like You record what you eat and it does all the math for you!

How many vitamin c tablets can I consume in a day without messing up my body?

How many vitamin c tablets can I consume in a day without messing up my body?

Vitamin C is water-soluable and is cleared pretty quickly within the body, however you body only absorbs what you need so taking more than 100% of your Daily Value is stupid because it won't be used you'll just pee it out and that goes for all vitamins except some vitamins can cause poisoning. Also. don't take 3 multivitamins because that means you'll be taking too much Iron, once you build up to much iron in your system at once you will poison yourself and it could be fatal. People take up to 3000% of their DV of Vitamin C when they take Emergency and Airborne as directed. It can cause some nasty belly aches, bloating, gas, and nausea. If you start feeling sick stop taking them, and If I were you i'd take one multivitamin and one Vitamin C tablet. you body isn't using the rest.

also a recent study showed that taking synthetic vitamins actually had detrimental effects and did not prolong the lifespan of people who took them it actually shortened it slightly. if you want to get all the vitamins you need eat healthier and only take a multivitamin to supplement what you're missing. Anything more than that is a waste of money, vitamins, and can be damaging to your body.

vitamin c?????????????

vitamin c?????????????

Vitamin C does help fight off illness. You need to make sure you are taking calcium ascorbate or sodium ascorbate, and buy a good quality brand.

Like anything, you can take too much, but there is an indicator for Vitamin C and that is very soft or runny faeces.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin so you regulary rid yourself of if via your urine. So, you can take it every day and regularly through the day. Read the instructions on the pack to give you a guide.

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