World Peace Meditation Day 2024 is on Tuesday, December 31, 2024: meditation?

Tuesday, December 31, 2024 is World Peace Meditation Day 2024. World Peace Day All around the world people are standing up for peace. Join them!


The whole aim of meditation is,

1. to calm your mind, and

2. to focus the mind on one thing.

If you sit down and close your eyes you will notice that your mind is jumping from one thought to another. Even though you want to concentrate on your breath you will find other thoughts also coming in between.

In learning to meditate you must first learn to calm your mind. You do this by following every thought that comes into you mind. You must be like a Manager of a Hotel who stands at the entrance and observes the customers coming in. Without getting attached to the thoughts try to observe them. You will find that a thought comes in and that it goes nowhere and another thought follows it - try following that too - with same results. This way you will find that your thoughts gradually subside.

Of course do not expect results in one or two days. Practise it for at least 40 minutes every day for at least 2 months you find that you have 'killed' your train of thoughts. I have practised for 1 1/2 years but still vagrant thoughts come in. The whole idea is to silence the mind.

Thereafter start concentrating on your breath. Notice the breath coming in and going out. You should not concentrate only on the tip of your nose. Notice the breath coming in and thereafter your lungs getting filled and then gradually exhaling the breath.

You should be able to get some guidance from the following sites,


2. and click on the free articles on yoga meditation - it includes articles on all types of meditations including christian and muslim meditation.



Emerald Sky has the correct answer with

some very effective sites to check out.

Also check out any information on the

web on Mindfulness Meditation. It has been

proven to be Very Effective by Scientists,

Cognitive Behavioral Therapists, and Medical

Doctors in the U.S. and ALL around the world.

"You asked an Excellent Question !!"

Happy New Year !!!

From an R.N. with a Master's Degree.

But that is not my source, one of my sources

comes from Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD. who has

proven Mindfulness Meditation to be very

effective to increase a person's cognitive

thinking, erradicate anger, impatience and

intolerance, increase focus and concentration,

and produce a calmness and peace, which

helps a person to perceive things, people, and

situations as they really are with complete clar-

ity and understanding. He shows in his books

many, many other benefits of practicing

Mindfulness Meditation only 15 min. a day.

"Coming to Our Senses" is an excellent book

by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD. OR simply do a

search on your computer and learn, in order to

practice these effective kinds of meditation!!"

Happy New Years !!

You Asked An Excellent Question.

type of meditation/ get away?

type of meditation/ get away?

"a sort of get away from everything in the world to refresh myself and feel better about myself and the world?"

go find a nice place if possible with trees next to a tiny river or some kind of water, be there all alone and clean and think, think and think, about beginning from your very first days in existence, begin from when you were all about one cell, think about the important points in your life, think about the universe think about life, think about death. close your eyes, lay down on grass if possible. that is a real meditation trust me and would change a lot about your world view because we never find time to think about such important stuff in our busy daily lives. peace my friend :)

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, December 31, 2024...