Baby Massage Day 2025 is on Saturday, April 12, 2025: 7 week old hasn't had a bowel movement in almost 3 days?

Saturday, April 12, 2025 is Baby Massage Day 2025. Baby Massage Day - the year of LIVING UNOFFICIALLY Baby Massage Day

7 week old hasn’t had a bowel movement in almost 3 days?

*I would give the baby fluids like water... (constipation is dried out poop that can become painful to pass later) if older and juice has been introduced, I'd try plum juice or similar... but ONLY if the baby has already started on similar things.

*Remember a baby needs a bit of water and can get both thirsty and dehydrated with out it even when on formula. A teaspoon now and then is enough.

*You could also keep a diary of what you eat, if the baby is on formula only and it has not been changed, then it is probably to do with what you have eaten.

*It can also be because of lack of movement, A baby needs exercise too!!

(Or their bowel movements suffer)

*I usually do "bicycle exercises" just move the legs as if the baby was cycling, holding the feet or lower legs.This will also help her build up strengths, so it is a good exercise through out babyhood.

Don't overdo it, half a minute here and there maybe two or three times a day is enough to begin with, when she is older you can do it longer and she will love it if you make it into a game!!

*You also need to massage her tummy in clockwise circular movements, it is really easy to do and she will start letting gas out, and hopefully soon poop too! (Use baby oil or olive oil if you like)...

*I also find it helps to hold a steady hand over their lower back as well.

*A warm bath, (not hot!) would also help but make sure she does not get chilled down after. In general you need to experiment a bit and find out what works best for your baby, she will be constipated at times so learn some tricks now to deal with it and things will go smoothly. Trust you mothers instincts!!

It is not nice to just let a baby "get on with it" on their own, do gentle things like massage and you and the baby get to know each other better. When your baby gets help if feels comforted, and massage is very comforting, this helps the bond between you and it makes the baby feel safe in this new strange world it has just entered.

Best of luck!


This is from a helpful baby site.

Baby Constipation Remedies

Plenty of fluids: Is among baby constipation remedies which has so worked in treating constipation in adults. While weaning your baby, ensure that you supply him with sufficient amounts of fluids to ease and prevent constipation. You can try plain clean warm water, or fresh diluted fruit juice either from pears, plums, prune, peaches, grapes, apples or apricot. Fluids will prevent the stool from drying and hardening.

Fiber: When combined with sufficient fluids, fiber is an effective baby constipation remedy. Try peas, beans, spinach, or sweet potatoes. Fiber helps in stimulating the bowel lining and softens the stool allowing your baby to pass it smoothly. Reduce foods such as cooked carrots, cow’s milk, and bananas as they are known to contribute to hard stools.

Exercise: Can also be used as part of baby constipation remedies to ease your baby’s constipation. Use bicycle legs exercises or massage/rub gently your baby’s tummy using a clockwise motion. Lay your baby on his back and interchange these physical exercises. Your baby will begin passing gas, a sign that his constipation is easing. In addition, always use warm water to bath your baby to enable him to relax and pass stool without struggle.

Keep track: Mothers should note the types of foods that cause constipation to their babies. This can be done by keeping record of every type of new food you offer your baby. This can be used to easily identify which foods to feed your baby and those not to offer at his age. Recording is also important as it helps identify the types of food your baby might be allergic to.

Caution: Baby constipation can get severe if left untreated and can interfere with your baby’s health. If symptoms persist, visit your paediatrician.

Baby massage question?

Baby massage question?

if he doesn't like it i probably wouldn't do it.

But definitely encourage the bath. Just remember that he will tell you what he does or doesn't like. Maybe he'll like the massages when he's a bit older. Or maybe there's only a certain time of day where he's ok with them (ie. when he's trying to go to sleep).

But if he's crying through them, it doesn't really seem like such a good idea to me.

Can i use dabur lal tail for my 15 days old baby for massage?

Can i use dabur lal tail for my 15 days old baby for massage?

Hi congrats for your baby

I can really understand ur dilemma about what oil to use. I was like u once , a new parent. Don't worry a lot. U can use any oil but keep in mind small babies get rashes by lots of things,

U can use a simple mustard oil(pure one) ,Johnson baby oil is equally good Olive oil by Himalayas and Johnson ( only baby oils)Baby fair Ayurvedic oil by himani

I have used all these oil during last nine months of my baby she was not allergic to anything.

A mother and a blogger myself

Since ur baby is only 15 days old don't use dabour lal, start with jhonson(it's mild mineral oil) then later on can use any oil.

A mother and a blogger

Holidays also on this date Saturday, April 12, 2025...