Capitol Hill Day 2025 is on Tuesday, September 30, 2025: Would there even be a Christian Unity Day allowed on Capitol Hill?
Tuesday, September 30, 2025 is Capitol Hill Day 2025. Capitol-Hill-photo-small-2012.jpg Capitol Hill photo small 2012
Eh, who cares?
I'm more interested in Xian caring for the least among my bretheren day in the worst parts of the worst towns.
Is the Capitol Hill area of DC a 'bad area'?
We lived on Capitol Hill (Stanton Park/Northeast) for over 13 years before moving to purchase a house. At that time, friends suggested the "triangle" bounded by Pennsylvania (SE) and Maryland (NE) Avenues and 13th Street (Lincoln Park); over the years that area has continued to improve and I'd shift those parameters out several (and even more) blocks in each direction. Like any neighborhood, there still will be rough blocks.
Row houses on our block (which was three blocks *outside* the triangle and had a checkered past) which originally sold for $150K turned around for up to $750K by the time we left. We truly miss the neighborhood (within walking distance to Union Station; the LOC and Mall museums; Eastern Market and our jobs in Southwest) but couldn't afford to buy on Capitol Hill.
In the days before, we dealt directly with Yarmouth Management (Eastern Market) who cover Capitol Hill rental properties.
Should we call congress and rebel against a prayer day on Capitol Hill set aside exclusively for one religion?
...we should rebel against ANY prayer day on Capitol Hill set aside for one or all's against the Constitution and it's completely against the separation of church and state.