Clean Air Month on May, 2025: Cleaning tips - I'm a little new to the 'housewife' thing!?
May, 2025 is Clean Air Month 2025. clean-air-month-may.jpg Clean Air Month May
dust in a bathroom:
check the filter in your air exchange unit, do so once a month and change it out when it gets dirty. Check the vent in the bathroom as well. You may want to have your vent system blown out. professional services do this. When cleaning teh bathroom, best to have rubber gloves and a lightly damp wash cloth to wipe down walls. Use a sponge to clean the toilet, make sure you wipe down the WHOLE toilet. When cleaning the floor, you can use another damp wash cloth, as a mop will not get behind the toilet but if your bathroom is large, use a wringable sponge type mop or the SWIFFER damp mop, use the wash cloth to get around the toilet. IF you decide to just go with the washcloth, use one that is fairly large...I use an old hand towell, actually, and fold it into four. WHen one side gets dirty I turn it over, then reverse the fold to get to two new surfaces. Once it's all dirty, I rinse it out thoroughly in the sink, wring the tar out of it and keep on movin on til the floor is done. Wearing gloves keeps me from coming in contact with ...bathroom oogyness...*we have a lot of kids in our* I also use a cleaner with citrus oil in it...makes every thing smell fresh.
To reduce the amount of time I spend cleaning in the bathroom, I always wipe down the mirror, sink basin and sink deck after showering and shaving. I sit when I do my "business" as simply because I have a penis doesn't mean I have to stand up to pee....that's nasty. Guys who stand up to pee are splashing nasty loo water all over the well as all over thier legs from the knees down. I noticed this when I was eight and got up to go in the middle of the night. Never stood up to pee in a bathroom again unless it's equipped with a urinal. Ever wondered why the portion of the toilet behind the lid gets so nasty?...not any more, you don't. If your fellow has issues with sitting to pee, tell him to get over it...his cock has no ego and doen't care so long as it gets to go.
Spot cleaning:
First, try to be a bit more careful! LOL..then ask around to neighboors, your mum or better still, a professional upholsterer to find out how best to clean the fabric of your furniture. There are products readily available, you just have to know which of them to buy.
Keeping it all buttoned up:
this is a habit to develop: Clean as you go. If you are cooking in the kitchen, the moment you finish with a pot or a pan, wash it!...everything else cooking can bloody well mind itself for a quick bit, and if you should need another such pot or pan...there you go, you've already got it. No need to make a larger mess than necessary. Be johnny-on-the-spot in wiping up a spot of dripped sauce or what not...Keep paper towells handy, or a wash cloth / dish rag. Buy a dish brush to clean pots and pans and wash these by hand as they take up a lot of room in a dishwasher! As well, a cello sponge and rags used for washing dishes get so loaded with bacteria you may as well go fetch up a dead rat to wash up with. Once you are done cooking, use a mild counter cleanser to wipe down surfaces...THEN've cleaned up most every thing before you had time to make a mess!
As for the rest of the house, ...clean as you go! be mindful of empty bottles, cans...if you finish such a beverage, when you get up to go to the kitchen or bathroom, make a trip past the waste basket in the kitchen. When you get home from work or whatever, be sure to hang up your jacket or whatnot in the closet immediatly. Vaccuum / sweep one room a day and check the dirt bag / cylander often. Actually, I reccomend spending the money on a Kirby vaccuum cleaner. There literally is NO better vaccuum on the planet, and it has a LIFETIME gaurantee.
what else...
If you have a television in your bedroom...remove it. Keep one in the kitchen and the greatroom. having one in your bedroom will only help you make a mess of it, as empty chip bags, cans and bottles and used glasses and such will pile up. ..not to mention NOT having a television in the bedroom will help you and your man find ...other?...things to do?
(wink wink, nudge nudge...)....BUT if you do decide to keep a television in the bedroom, be mindful of those trips past the kitchen garbage. Fold your laundry as it comes out of the dryer and put it in the basket...takes up less space and you don't have to mess with it twice now that it's already folded. Limit the amount of magazines that end up on a coffee table..throw out what you don't need.
Clean ONE room a day. Make it something you do after work or after dinner or something. by keeping this rotating cleaning schedule and finding ways to CLEAN AS YOU GO you will quickly find your troubles vanishing..
BUT: if your man isn't willing to help you out, he's just part of the problem. Make sure he cleans up after himself. You are his wife, NOT his mum. He wipes his own a*se, he can clean up his own messes as well!
if you need any other ideas, email me...I'll be glad to help!
air cleaning?
While it's still cool enough I would put a fan in the window and drag as much air out as I could. Then Hepa filters! and clean them, frequently. Vacumn from the top to the bottom of the area and put a stocking as in panty hose! over the out air vent (tape it on!) so it doesn't spread it all over the room again!
When Was The Last Time You Cleaned The Air Ducts In Your Home.?
The husband cleans them every 6 months. If he didn't do them I guess they would never get cleaned