Community Spirit Days on April, 2025: Do you believe that eccleesiastical community rehearses Good-Friday services?

April, 2025 is Community Spirit Days 2025. Family Day brings fun and community spirit to North Minneapolis ... fun and community spirit

Do you believe that eccleesiastical community rehearses Good-Friday services?

Hey lileeann, The day is coming and now is when those who worship me will worship me in Spirit and in Truth, not on this or that mountain. ...Also the Traditions of Men nullify (cancel out) The Word of God causing it to be of no effect. There are many traditions of men that are not at all of God, which have down through the ages been inserted and received as truth, they are not! Remember, the Word is simple and is received by faith IN GOD, not faith in a tradition. I suggest you begin to study The Word to see what Yeshua (in Hebrew) Jesus(in English from the Greek) said and did, and told the Apostles and all who came to Him. His way is easy and His burden is Light. You have been Freely Forgiven, just ask, and believe! He did it all, if mans regulations and made up traditions and ceremonies could have won our freedom there would have been no need for The Word To Become Flesh and dwell among us. He was the Perfect Lamb whose blood has, past, present, and future, been shed and applied to the Mercy Seat, for the sin of all mankind, who shall be born not of flesh, nor of the will of man but of God. Lileeann, go to also get some books by Watchman Nee.(on Grace) the more you seek Him and WHO HE IS and His Eternal Love for you, you will begin to understand and have revelation insight, that you do not have to MAKE GOD love you by finding as many things as you can to please Him. He Loves You because your life is hid with God in Christ. You are IN THE BELOVED SON, THE SON OF HIS(FATHERS) LOVE, IN WHOM HE IS WELL PLEASED. This is your position of origin through birth (you must be born again of The Spirit) BY GRACE(UNDESERVED FAVOR AND HIS POWER WORKING ON AND IN YOU AND YOUR BEHALF) and FAITH(BELIEVING IN THE WORD OF HIS SPIRIT IN TRUTH WHETHER YOU CAN SEE IT CAN"T CHANGE THE FACT IT IS TRUE BECAUSE HE SAID IT, THAT SETTLED IT!). Now you must see that He has accomplished that way of access, and as you see you have been rescued and placed into THE BELOVED SON, and God is no longer mad at you nor against you, this great supernatural love that has been your salvation, begins to overflow in thankful admiration to The Lamb Who Paid your debts. And who loves you with an Everlasting Love, as Good Father corrects and guides His Beloved Child so does He set His love upon you. It is finished. Man, or demon can not separate you from His compassions and mercies, as it is The love of God that draws men and women onto repentance. You discover that no matter where you go He is there, if I make my bed in hell, or travel to the far sides of the sea, even there YOUR HAND WILL GUIDE ME. This is His faithfulness to all generations,that even when we are faithless, HE IS FAITHFUL, for He can do no other(HE IS FAITH) and we have been Translated into The Son Of His Love(read Colossians, and Johns gospel). Indeed it is not our good works that make us righteous, but The Righteous One we have been placed into that encourages us to live righteously because it goes against our NEW NATURE to do anything unrighteous, thus creating a guilt conscience and sorrow that leads to repentance (A return to the high place we we're before we fell). So He has fixed His D.N.A. into His own seed of which we who believe have been birthed. And so the mystery is revealed, One God, One Spirit, One Body. Behold The Lord Our God He Is One God. Spirit,Life(Soul) and Body So we find how man tries to harness the ways of God by man made traditions, to his own detriment. For they lack the Life Of God and His Liberating Spirit Of Truth. Only in returning to the place of peace by Grace through Faith in Yeshua Jesus are we back in His Spirit which is Power unlike the world, but foolishness to the Pharisee, and all who seek to control the ways of The Spirit which is impossible, and be credited with counterfeit fame in the eyes of men, leading only to end in destruction. For God can never be harnessed to the control of vain man, but the one who yields to The Holy Spirit in humility and contriteness of heart shall know their God, and walk in the Light of His Glory. For we are found alive, in The Living One, for THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE, TO KNOW(be entwined in Him) HIM, AND THE ONE HE SENT Him. So I end with this, It is not in Traditions, but in The Trading of ashes for Beauty, our death for His Life, and He Alone has Done The Work now enter into His Rest, He Is Lord Of The Sabbath, and the Sabbath was made for man, NOT man for the Sabbath, for He Says I myself am working to this day and my Father is working also.. And He went about doing good and healing and delivering all who were oppressed of the devil. He Is The Resurrection And The Life.He is come The Lord Of The Sabbath, and we who believe have entered into that day of rest by Grace through faith, it is the free Gift Of God, NOT of works lest any man should boast.

what is a community?

what is a community?

A community is an amalgamation of living things that share an environment. The individual living beings can be plant or animal; any species; any size. What characterizes a community is sharing interaction in many ways. In human communities, intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks and a multitude of other conditions may be present and common, affecting the degree of adhesion within the mixture, but the definitive driver of community is that all individual subjects in the mix have something in common. This is even true in biological communities.

Contents [hide]

1 The context of community

2 The processes of community

3 Problems of community

4 The sense of community

5 The spirit of community

5.1 For more information

6 References

7 See also

8 External links


The context of community

From the days of the hunter-gatherer, individual humans have formed communities. A sense of community is the aspect of giving of one's self to others. Related etymology for munere expands the meaning to included something prized, precious and worth defending. It is the same root as used for the word munitions (defences). Sharing in this "common defence" incorporates a balance between self-interest and shared-interests within and among members of a group and is a crucial factor in community formation. When enough participants in a group develop an attitude of caring for the well-being of the whole, or the common good, the prospect of community is present.

Whatever drives people to cooperate and collaborate in the first place, is not quite as important in the context of community as what makes them continue to associate. Resilient connections between and among people are what is important in the formation of viable communities. Successful efforts by a mix of participants tend to attract the attention of other less connected individuals who may seek to join the group that is succeeding. This tendency, akin to herd behavior in animals, is called Self-organization.

Over time, some parts of humanity have progressed steadily toward more complex forms of organization and control. Hunter/gatherer tribes settled around seasonal foodstocks to become agrarian villages. Villages grew to become towns and cities. Cities turned into city-states and nation-states. The fact that commerce, industry, government and human institutions become ever larger and more complex suggests that humans, particularly those who are conversant with the rules that drive these complexes are themselves driven toward aggregation, amalgamation, and consolidation. When this increase in social capital reaches critical mass, innovations in social networks can begin to work toward a higher context through an inescapable cultural awareness of others. This phenomenon is generally called the emergence of collective consciousness.


The processes of community

It can be intuitively reasoned through subjective experience that we've all shared, regardless of culture, class, religion or any other determinant, that we learn who we are chiefly through contact with others. This is a progressive development which is as universal in human experience as any single sociological component can be - the process of identification. A human being is born with a mind and a set of inherited traits. Without going into the argument of heredity with environment, it is reasonable to accept that the habits and behaviors that a person grows into are largely a function of the community group behaviors that prevailed through that process. That is the first process of community.

As an individual grows into an adult another process occurs. That being a progressive accumulation of facts, truths, and hopefully insights which all move together through the process of realization. It is during plateaus reached along this progression that cognitive structures are formed, attitudes toward the local world, the society viewable from within personal scope, and an understanding of how people relate one to the other and within the context of community. This process is called socialization.

So, identification, realization and socialization brings an individual into a position of making choices about who he or she will socialize with and under what conditions and circumstances. From the perspective of the individual, selecting or deselecting groups to join is yet another process - the process of association. When associated individuals develop the intent to give of themselves to the group and maintain all of the processes from identification to association they begin to bring into practice the first process of true community - the process of communication.


Problems of community

As communities form, so usually develops a collective consciousness and a set of mores. These serve to add cohesion, harmony and continuity to a group, allowing it to grow, sometimes to a gargantuan size. Once a critical mass of people adopts a set of mores and develops a collective consciousness it becomes a society. Participation is no longer optional for the individual. Behavior is now a function of being required or compelled to conform to the norm rather than choosing to give of one's self. This condition is sometimes thought of as the status quo.

A natural outgrowth of stagnant societies and large organizations is an increased propensity in individuals and factions to deviate from the norm. When enough individuals and factions decide that deviation can be a good thing, a new community can form as a subculture within the society. This can be good for the society by creating dynamics that enhance the social experiences and improve the well-being of the whole. A moderate form of this occurrence is called a social movement, while a radical form is called a revolution.

Individuals and factions can decide to form alliances intent on repressing deviation, eliminating or containing subcultures, enforcing the status quo or even oppressing or destroying the parts of the society that do not suit them or fit into their idea of what the society as a whole is to represent.

In both tiny communities and massive societies, problematic conditions arise involving the emergence of leaders. Leadership is a civic phenomenon that may introduce a high level of hierarchy. The structure of this hierarchy plays a key role in determining the characteristics of the whole. The community will effectively present to the larger world this collective personality.

Sometimes these factors lead to exclusivism, and, ultimately, totalitarianism. Recently, a similar tendency to them has been seen in America under the name of protection of the community from terrorists.


The sense of community

For more details on this topic, see sense of community.

Continuity of the connections between leaders and leaders, leaders and followers, followers and followers is vital to the strength of a community. Members, both leaders and followers, individually hold the collective personality of the whole. With sustained connections and continued conversations, participants in communities, regardless of degrees of inclusion, develop emotional bonds, intellectual pathways, enhanced linguistic abilities, and even a higher capacity for critical thinking and problem-solving. It could be argued that successive and sustained contact with other humans might help to remove some of the tensions of isolation, due to disenfranchisement, thus opening creative avenues that would have otherwise remained impassable.

Conversely, sustained involvement in tight communities might tend to aggravate tensions in some individuals. But, in many cases, it is easy enough to distance one's self from the "hive" temporarily to ease this stress. In fact, psychological maturity and effective communication skills may well be a function of this ability. In nearly every context, individual and collective behaviours are required to find a balance between inclusion and exclusion; for the individual - a matter of choice; for the group - a matter of charter. The sum of the creative energy and the strength of the mechanisms that maintain this balance is manifest as an observable and resilient sense of community.


The spirit of community

If the sense of community exists, both freedom and security exist as well. The Community then takes on a life of its own, as people become free enough to share and secure enough to get along. This is the "spirit of community."

Western cultures are losing this spirit of community that once were found in institutions such as churches, community halls and rural/urban centres. Sociologist Ray Oldenburg stated in his book A Great Good Place that we need three places: 1) The home, 2) the workplace, and, 3) the community hangout. With this philosophy in mind, many grassroots initiatives are being started to create this "Third Place" in our communities. They are taking form in our independent bookstores, corner cafes and local pubs.[citation needed]

Why is there no community spirit these days, everyone seems more private.?

Why is there no community spirit these days, everyone seems more private.?

A P,

I think it has to do with the arrival of mass media. Before the 1920's, people used to sit on their porches and talk to their neighbors. Then radio appeared, and everyone started spending more time indoors, listening to the nightly broadcasts. That is when we first started losing contact with each other. In the 50's, television reared it's ugly head, and after that, most of us don't even know who our neighbors are anymore. With the arrival of the Internet, the walls between us have been modified. We are communicating with people all over the world, but we still don't know who the people down the block are. In all of the media these days, there is a pervasive atmosphere of fear. We are now afraid to meet anyone, for fear of what they might do to us, or ask of us. I believe it is the end of the civilization we once knew as America. Very sad, but I guess it was inevitable. God help us.


Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...