Elephant Appreciation Day 2024 is on Sunday, September 22, 2024: Did you know that today is world Elephant Appreciation Day! ?

Sunday, September 22, 2024 is Elephant Appreciation Day 2024. September 22 Holiday Elephant Appreciation Day at Holiday Insights Elephant Appreciation Day is

Did you know that today is world Elephant Appreciation Day! ?

No I did not.

Thanks for your kind reminder.

List some new ska bands?

List some new ska bands?

Elephant Appreciation Day

Check them out!

Does anyone know where theres elephant rides anywhere in Australia?

Does anyone know where theres elephant rides anywhere in Australia?

Unfortunately it's frowned upon these days. Elephant rides were common when I was a kid, but now zoos are supposed to be for more than our amusement. They try to create a natural habitat for the animals and being dragged out for rides isn't considered natural. It isn't, of course, but I think riding one is a good way to develop an appreciation for them.

Holidays also on this date Sunday, September 22, 2024...