Good Samaritan Involvement Day 2025 is on Thursday, March 13, 2025: My brother has depended on me for ten years and now i just cannot function at all in day to day

Thursday, March 13, 2025 is Good Samaritan Involvement Day 2025. Good Samaritan Involvement Day The Good Samaritan, by Luca

My brother has depended on me for ten years and now i just cannot function at all in day to day

There comes a point where you just have to write down the numbers of whatever crisis team or AA group, the hospital or whoever you think could best help him, stick it on his fridge, and tell him that next time he needs help, call them and not you.

You say you've been to all these different folks to try to help with the problem, so maybe the words "codependent" and "enabling" will mean something to you. You've gone way above and beyond the call of sisterly duty, but now it's time to stop shielding him from the consequences of his behaviour. Maybe waking up alone and hung over and surrounded by cockroaches in a puddle of pee and finding that his power has been shut off because he didn't bother to pay the bills and his entire family is not speaking to him is what he needs to shake him up.

Remember you are not responsible for his choices. You do not owe it to him to spend your life picking up the pieces for him. You owe it to yourself (and your boyfriend, and everyone else around you) to limit your involvement with your brother, and to do some things for yourself. Go on the holiday you booked. If your brother is too drunk and incoherent to join you, that's too bad for him.

Would the robbery victim aided by the good Samaritan have been better off under a 2-denarius

Would the robbery victim aided by the good Samaritan have been better off under a 2-denarius Herodcare tax?

Good one

I dare say that the Priest and the Levite would have preferred the Herodcare plan for that would allow them to feel good about their contribution without having to get their hands dirty with actual assistance. The traveler would probably have died before the system could get him the aid he needed.

Thus, hands on involvement with each other's lives is almost always the best answer to our problems. Thus, when we pray for help, the Spirit impresses upon one of our brothers or sisters in mortality to lend a hand. As we serve each other, we serve God. That is the way it was planned.

Looking for title of a book in which a whole town goes blind except for one person.?

Looking for title of a book in which a whole town goes blind except for one person.?

"Blindness" by Jose Saramago

"In an unnamed city in an unnamed country, a man sitting in his car waiting for a traffic light to change is suddenly struck blind. But instead of being plunged into darkness, this man sees everything white, as if he "were caught in a mist or had fallen into a milky sea." A Good Samaritan offers to drive him home (and later steals his car); his wife takes him by taxi to a nearby eye clinic where they are ushered past other patients into the doctor's office. Within a day the man's wife, the taxi driver, the doctor and his patients, and the car thief have all succumbed to blindness. As the epidemic spreads, the government panics and begins quarantining victims in an abandoned mental asylum--guarded by soldiers with orders to shoot anyone who tries to escape. So begins Portuguese author José Saramago's gripping story of humanity under siege, written with a dearth of paragraphs, limited punctuation, and embedded dialogue minus either quotation marks or attribution. At first this may seem challenging, but the style actually contributes to the narrative's building tension, and to the reader's involvement.

In this community of blind people there is still one set of functioning eyes: the doctor's wife has affected blindness in order to accompany her husband to the asylum. As the number of victims grows and the asylum becomes overcrowded, systems begin to break down: toilets back up, food deliveries become sporadic; there is no medical treatment for the sick and no proper way to bury the dead. Inevitably, social conventions begin to crumble as well, with one group of blind inmates taking control of the dwindling food supply and using it to exploit the others. Through it all, the doctor's wife does her best to protect her little band of blind charges, eventually leading them out of the hospital and back into the horribly changed landscape of the city."

Holidays also on this date Thursday, March 13, 2025...