Kids Day 2024 is on Friday, September 27, 2024: lazy kids these days?

Friday, September 27, 2024 is Kids Day 2024. National KidsDay KidsDay logo

lazy kids these days?

Kids these days are NOT lazy. In fact, kids these days have to do harder work that what today's adults had to do in the past. For example, I'm currently in Trig/Analytic Geometry right now (As a freshman), and I'm doing a lot of precalculus work that people didn't do years ago.

Also, kids these days have more peer pressure than before. There is a lot more competition to get into college, so many kids are forced to juggle dozens of extra-curricular activities just to make our college resumes look good.

The kids want to be sports people or singers because that's what colleges look for nowadays. you have to have a special talent to get into college. In fact, you need to be really good at one thing for the college to even look at you.

I have a double plan currently. Plan A, I become a swimmer. However, since all sports have their drawbacks sometimes, I also want to go into Biology or math. Biotech seems really fun to me, especially. I want to at least get into UC-Berkeley or Stanford.

What is WRONG with kids these days?

What is WRONG with kids these days?

Some of the kids who smoke - pot/weed/ whatever - Might honestly be dealing with problems out of school, at home/friends etc. Or they may just have given in to Social pressures, "it's cool" to them, they enjoy getting the "high" out of it, same with drinking. Cutting ... is not something that is done to be "cool". It what some kids end up doing when their lives have been disrupted and they feel they can't control anything anymore - eg. parents problems(Divorce/Abuse/Negligence), boyfriends/girlfriends, things that they can't see a way out of. Depression.

Shelter, food, water, indoor plumbing, t.v's aren't going to make a kid happy if they don't have support/love from their family, if there parents are no longer being good parents, or something comes up and they get ignored. They might have a house, but they might not feel like they have a home, a place where they feel safe and loved.

I know a girl who's father had a mental illness, was put in prison, and abused her, he wasn't allowed near her from the time she was in gr.2, She did have great grandparent's and her mum was trying but things went downhill. I've watched it happen, She was still in contact with her father up until at least gr.9, (currently in gr.10) All he did was abused her verbally/through email/text, and make promises he couldn't keep. Her older siblings did not set good examples. at all, its clear to me that her life at home was not good, I would say that all of them had a kind of eating disorder - I don't know the details I just know that it was not handled well. Her mum remarried... Had a baby, So why am I saying all this? Because she wasn't a spoiled brat, I know she cut, she has scars because she hated living, - because so many bad things had happened, she got depression. She drank, smoked, did drugs, sex, got addicted to these things and is now in rehab. She didn't see a future for herself... She wasn't "trying" to hurt herself and her future, not purposely, she was just trying to get through life day by day and cutting, for instance, is something humans have naturally resorted to for a long time, self harm when facing/remembering traumatic experiences..

You have to remember as well that, drugs are addictive. Once you start its hard to stop.

I'm honestly at loss of how to answer your question because in my own eyes and how I understand the world and people, you have blinders on you may not be aware of.

Your 14, almost 15. You seem to have lead a happy good life, and as the first reply says you had a good upbringing, they did not. Of course there are kids who rebel, but its not often someone says, I want to hurt myself on purpose.

And part of the problem those kids face, is people telling them something is wrong with them, putting demand on them that they can't deal with, not getting the help they need because they don't see they need it. And when they do, they often can't get it easily without feeling guilty or something. ( Eg. The girl i was talking about earlier - she continued to have contact with her father even though it hurt her everytime. She wanted her father, its her dad, dad aren't supposed to hurt their kids right? She still wanted his approval and for him to be there, when he couldn't and honestly shouldn't have been able to get to her in anyway)

I hope I didn't offend you in anyway, I wasn't trying to,


P.S I have had a mainly good upbringing ( i can't say its been the best, but I think I turned out well enough and continue to grow) I learned what I said in my reply from books/media and watching the people around me - not a lot by experience aka 've never done drugs/cut myself. So I come from my own perspective.

What is wrong with kids these days?

What is wrong with kids these days?

It is sad. Kids these days are trying to grow up so fast. They're not even having a childhood anymore. For one, the cartoons that come on now are just bad. No one wants to watch them anymore. When I was that age I was doing the same things you were doing, which is what kids should be doing. Kids don't go outside and run around anymore, they just watch tv all day long and see smoking and sex on tv. And they think that's what they should be doing because it looks cool, but they have it all wrong. I wish parents would get more involved with their children and teach them what's right and wrong. Or some parents just need to become better parents and being bad examples to their kids. Kids imitate things they see, and if they see a parent doing drugs, they may want to try it. Not all kids are like this, but many are.

Holidays also on this date Friday, September 27, 2024...