Morel Mushroom Day 2025 is on Saturday, May 17, 2025: Morel Mushrooms?

Saturday, May 17, 2025 is Morel Mushroom Day 2025. Morel Mushroom Prices, Where to Sell Mushrooms, WI Prices ... The elusive morel mushroom…

Morel Mushrooms?

How fast do they grow?

Now The Great Morel can back this with more than a theory. A few years back, The Great morel spotted three small grey morels (the 3" variety) after repeatedly checking on a known patch. Thus placing small sticks beside them, and monitored them over a three-day period. The results at the end of the three-day period were as follows. One of three grew a total of one half inch. A second one grew just under a half inch and the last one showed growth that was almost immeasurable. So with this scientific study in hand - yes they do grow. However, growth rates may vary based on when the morel you've found made its grand entrance into the world. Don't exclude those other variables such as weather and ground conditions. In closing, unless you are certain no one else will pick your crop, pick and bag them!

What effect does the weather have on the morel's growth habits?

The Great Morel is not aware of any actual scientific study on this subject (if you have one please send it along), however, most hunters will agree that the weather more than any other variable has the most impact on the morel season. This includes air and ground temperatures along with moisture levels in the ground. Typical spring weather with daytime temperatures moderating between 60-70 degree range and nighttime lows of not less then the mid-40's are usually ideal. Too much soil moisture is not a good thing nor is too dry of soil. Again, it's tough to determine at what point rain levels are too high, but too much rain can sometime have a negative effect. Not enough rain is definitely not good for the morel either. Soil temperatures will typically range from 50 to 60 degrees. It is not uncommon to find morels after a light frost or even snow, however, it is most likely that the morel had already made its grand appearance prior to the snow. You can check out the various sites relating to weather and soil conditions on the Links and Info page under the Maps section.

What type of equipment do I need to get started?

Not much! A bag to carry your prize out of the woods, a decent hiking stick and you are on your way! There is debate among shroomers on what type of bag or sack one should carry. It seems the most highly recommended is an onion bag of some kind or a mesh bag. For several reasons, one being it allows your morels to breath thus keeping them fresh and lets some of the little critters fall out. Some believe this also allows the spores to disperse out of the sack and replenish the woods (just a theory as far as The Great Morel knows). Pillowcases are good too, yet you'll bring those critters home with you then. Plastic bags are not highly recommended. If you are harvesting them by the pounds, you may want to think of keeping a bushel basket in the car! For other suggestions on equipment see equipment list on the Humor page. You can usually round up most of what you need from the closet, yet if you are looking to sport the latest in fashionable morel gear to impress all your shrooming friends, then check out the Stuff for Sale links on the Info and Links page.

It is also suggested by many to protect yourself against ticks. See the section at the bottom of this page for a homemade tick repellent that can be applied.

Morel Mushrooms?

Morel Mushrooms?

Mushrooms reproduce by a process called sporolation. They do not regrow or come back.

Yes, rains are good. But it helps to have a warm day after the rain. Usually as long as there is plenty of moisture in the leaf litter the morels will grow.

The season is about over here in southern Illinois. This was a good season. Lots of morels, although I did not find many large ones.

morel mushrooms?

morel mushrooms?

Morel hunting time begins around the average date of last killing frosts in your area and can be dependent on the temperature and moisture. Moisture, warm days and warm nights, the first blooming of wildflowers, can signal that it's time for the first morels to appear.

Checking temperature and moisture maps for your area can help identify when you may find some....

Holidays also on this date Saturday, May 17, 2025...