Name Your PC Day 2024 is on Wednesday, November 20, 2024: Can you name this game?
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 is Name Your PC Day 2024. Today is NAME YOUR PC DAY! « Darren Marlar – Marlar House Productions Today is NAME YOUR PC DAY!
Odds are that you simply spend considerable time at the computer, whether that’s in your own home, work, or on the go in some instances most likely additional time than spent together with your buddies, family or family members! Yet despite all this time around together, your computer remains an anonymous stranger – seize the opportunity to bring your relationship one stage further by providing your pc a title on Name Your PC Day.
Darkest of Days, it's a PC game.
English relgious names ideas (its for a story plot in my game)?
List of all Catholic Popes from St. Peter to the Present Day
This list is compiled from articles in the Original Catholic Encyclopedia. It is not an article from the print version, but is provided here for the benefit of of Internet visitors. The list is sortable by name (alpha) and by chronology.
Order ↓Name ↓YearsNotes
1Peter, Apostle, SaintReigned 33-67
2Linus, SaintReigned c.67-76
3Anacletus, SaintReigned 76-88aka Cletus
4Clement I, SaintReigned 88-97
5Evaristus, SaintReigned c.98- c.106Aristus in the Liberian Catalogue
6Alexander I, SaintReigned c.106-115
7Sixtus I, SaintReigned 115-125XYSTUS in the oldest documents
8Telesphorus, SaintReigned 125-136
9Hyginus, SaintReigned c.136-140
10Pius I, SaintReigned c.140-c.154
11Anicetus, SaintReigned c.157-168
12Soter, SaintReigned c.166-c.174
13Eleutherius, SaintReigned c.175-189
14Victor I, SaintReigned 189-c.198
15Zephyrinus, SaintReigned 198-217
16Callistus IReigned 218-c.222
17Urban IReigned 222-230
18Pontian, SaintReigned 230-235
19Anterus, SaintReigned 235-236aka Anteros
20Fabian, SaintReigned 236-250
21CorneliusReigned 251-253
22Lucius I, SaintReigned 253-254
23Stephen I, SaintReigned 254-257
24Sixtus II, SaintReigned 257-258XYSTUS in the oldest documents
25Dionysius, SaintReigned 260-268
26Felix I, SaintReigned 269-274
27Eutychianus, SaintReigned 275-283
28Caius, SaintReigned 283-296
29Marcellinus, SaintReigned 296-304
30Marcellus I, SaintReigned 308-309
31Eusebius, SaintReigned 309 or 310
32Miltiades, SaintReigned 311-314
33Sylvester I, SaintReigned 314-335
34Mark, SaintReigned 336aka Marcus
35Julius I, SaintReigned 337-352
36LiberiusReigned 352-366
37Damasus I, SaintReigned 366-383
38Siricius, SaintReigned 384-399
39Anastasius I, SaintReigned 399-401
40Innocent IReigned 401-417
41Zosimus, SaintReigned 417-418
42Boniface I, SaintReigned 418-422
43Celestine I, SaintReigned 422-432
44Sixtus III, SaintReigned 432-440XYSTUS in the oldest documents
45Leo I, SaintReigned 440-461
46Hilarus, SaintReigned 461-468
47Simplicius, SaintReigned 468-483
48Felix III (II), SaintReigned 483-492
49Gelasius I, SaintReigned 492-496
50Anastasius IIReigned 496-498
51Symmachus, SaintReigned 498-514
52Hormisdas, SaintReigned 514-523
53John I, SaintReigned 523-c.526
54Felix IV (III)Reigned 526-530
55Boniface IIReigned 530-532
56John IIReigned 533-535
57Agapetus I, SaintReigned 535-536
58Silverius, SaintReigned 536-537
59VigiliusReigned 537-555
60Pelagius IReigned 556-561
61John IIIReigned 561-574
62Benedict IReigned 575-579
63Pelagius IIReigned 579-590
64Gregory I (the Great), SaintReigned 590-604
65SabinianusReigned 604-606
66Boniface IIIReigned 607
67Boniface IVReigned 608-615
68Deusdedit, SaintReigned 615-618
69Boniface VReigned 619-625
70Honorius IReigned 625-638
71SeverinusReigned 640
72John IVReigned 640-642
73Theodore IReigned 642-649
74Martin I, SaintReigned 649-655
75Eugene IReigned 655-657
76Vitalian, SaintReigned 657-672
77Adeodatus, SaintReigned 672-676
78DonusReigned 676-678
79Agatho, SaintReigned 678-681
80Leo II, SaintReigned 682-683
81Benedict IIReigned 684-685
82John VReigned 685-686
83CononReigned 686-687
84Sergius I, SaintReigned 687-701
85John VIReigned 701-705
86John VIIReigned 705-707
87SisinniusReigned 708
88ConstantineReigned 708-715
89Gregory II, SaintReigned 715-731
90Gregory III, SaintReigned 731-741
91Zachary, SaintReigned 741-752
92Stephen IIElected 752died before his consecration; excluded from some lists
93Stephen III (II)Reigned 752-757
94Paul IReigned 757-767
95Stephen IV (III)Reigned 768-772
96Adrian IReigned 772-795
97Leo III, SaintReigned 795-816
98Stephen V (IV)Reigned 816-817
99Paschal IReigned 817-824
100Eugene IIReigned 824-827
101ValentineReigned 827
102Gregory IVReigned 827-844
103Sergius IIReigned 844-847
104Leo IV, SaintReigned 847-855
how do I clean my pc and start from day one?
Name of computer and which operating system?