National Child Awareness Month on September, 2024: Is there a National Abortion Awareness month?
September, 2024 is National Child Awareness Month 2024. National Awareness Month May is Stroke Awareness Month! Exclusive Resources & Info Here
February is kind of understood as the closest to it- it's when we have Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day in Canada (on the 12th), so that's a great time to take some action to help prevent abortions, like supporting access to contraception, comprehensive sexual education, universal healthcare, family and child-friendly legislation (Family & Medical Leave Act, welfare and aid policies), etc.. If you know folks who are sexually active, make it a priority to ask them what means they're taking to protect themselves against unplanned pregnancy. Make sure your local pharmacies dispense and carry contraception and emergency contraception like Plan B. Donate to your local comprehensive family planning clinic like Planned Parenthood- remember, they prevent a vast majority of abortions every year by providing contraception and contraceptive counseling to low-income folks!
Hope that helps!
August is the ONLY calender month without a MAJOR holiday: Why has it never been claimed for any national gala?
The following events are observed calendar month-long in August:
American Adventures Month
American History Essay Contest
National Catfish Month
Black Business Month
Cataract Awareness Month
Children's Eye Health and Safety Month
Children's Vision and Learning Month
Get Ready for Kindergarten Month
Happiness Happens Month
Harvest Month
Motorsports Awareness Month
National Immunization Awareness Month
National Inventor's Month
National Panini Month
National Water Quality Month
National Win with Civility Month
Neurosurgery Outreach Month
Peach Month
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
What Will Be Your Legacy Month
National Prematurity Awareness Month (yesterday was NPA Day.)?
I did everything right and they were born at 33 weeks to the day. I knew the NICU ward like the back of my hand (sadly some NICU "parents" barely visited while I practically lived there). I stayed in the Ronald McDonald house and a lot of us 'NICU' families got close. I had a placental abruption of unknown cause regardless of the fact that I did everything right. (I didn't even set foot into a salon from the minute I found out I was pregnant for fear of the fumes). So premature birth awareness is a good thing but can't halt all preemie births.