National FFA Week on February, 2025: Who's going to the 81st National FFA Convention?
National FFA Week 2025. Bronaugh Schools R-7 - Bronaugh FFA Celebrates National FFA Week ... National FFA Week February
I'm not going this year, I've been three times in the past. Twice as an FFA member competing on Career Development Teams, and once as a student recruiter for my University. I almost was going to go with my Collegiate FFA Chapter, but I just couldn't afford the extra cost.
I'm from the great state of Idaho, and attend the University of Idaho. I was a member of the Kuna FFA Chapter.
I hope you have a great time, its a wonderful experience that most students don't ever get.
Do you know who is performing at the FFA National Convention next week?
i saw on the ffa website it was taylor swift with james otto
then micheal peterson [? the name might be wrong] but that might've been from last year.
What shoes should I wear for the horse evaluation CDE at FFA nationals this week?
I agree with Ellie