National Leave the Office Early Day 2025 is on Monday, June 2, 2025: Do national express coaches run on a sunday?

Monday, June 2, 2025 is National Leave the Office Early Day 2025. Leave the Office Early Day Leave the Office Early Day

Do national express coaches run on a sunday?

National Express run 24/7/364...not Christmas Day. They are very reliable.

The times given are leaving times and they leave right on time 99% so it's best to be at least five minutes early and ten minutes is better at busy places like major towns and cities where a long queue of people with cases to load in the hold might take a while to get sorted.

You can get the ticket sent to your mobile phone for 50p charge or pick it up at a designated National Express office, print it at home or in the local internet cafe or library, or have it sent by post.

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Megabus run a lot more routes as well since Stagfecoach bought them so you could maybe check times with those if you don't find a suitable NatEx coach.

Stagecoach also have routes under their own name.

All of them do cheap deals...when you can find one.

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Enjoy the trip.

why do people christmas so early? can’t they just wait till christmas?

why do people christmas so early? can't they just wait till christmas?

A) In a few cases it is because someone is not expected to live until Christmas, and they want to have the celebration.

B) In the southern hemisphere, where July falls in winter, Christmas in July events sometimes have a winter Christmas theme. These may be a standard Christmas style celebration, held at a cold time of year, as Christmas is in the northern hempisphere.

C) In some western countries, July has a minor number of marketing opportunities. In the United States and Canada, there are no national holidays between the first week of July (Canada Day on July 1 in Canada and the Fourth of July in the United States) and Labo(u)r Day (US, Canada), leaving two months with no holidays. (Some Canadian provinces hold a Civic Holiday in August, but this is not a national holiday.) Those holidays are not ones where gifts are exchanged between loved ones. Therefore, to justify sales, shops (such as Leon's in Canada) will sometimes announce a "Christmas in July" sale.

Origin: The U.S. Post Office and U.S. Army and Navy officials, in conjunction with the American advertising and greeting card industries, threw a Christmas in July luncheon in New York in 1944 to promote an Early Christmas Mailing Campaign for service men and women overseas during World War II.[7] The luncheon was repeated in 1945.

American advertisers began using "Christmas in July" themes in print for summertime sales as early as 1950.

Statutory Sick Leave (SSP)?

Statutory Sick Leave (SSP)?

If you are in the UK go to this link

This should give you all the answers you need.

Can I get it? (SSP)

You must have worked for your employer under a contract of service. Even if it is your first day of work with a new employer and you become sick part way through the day you may be entitled to SSP.

To get SSP you must be:

Aged between 16 or over and under 65 (these age limits will be removed from 1 October 2006).

Sick for at least 4 or more days in a row (including weekends and bank holidays). This is known as a Period of Incapacity for Work.

Earn, before tax and National Insurance an average of £84.00 a week. This is called the Lower Earnings Limit for National Insurance Contributions (NIC). The amount you need to earn is lower than the amount when you have to start paying NIC’s.

Your earnings are averaged, over an 8 week period before your sickness began. This period may vary slightly depending on whether you are paid weekly or monthly paid, or at other intervals. If you have just started your job the calculation may be different, contact your employer for more information.

If you answer YES to all the above, claim SSP

If you want to know how much you have to earn for NI purposes, contact your Jobcentre, Jobcentre Plus or Social security office

When does SSP start?

SSP is a daily payment and is usually paid for the days that you would normally work. The days that you would normally work are known as Qualifying Days (QDs)

SSP is not paid for the first three QDs, in any period of sickness unless it falls within a linking period. See - What else should I know for information about “Linking Periods”

How much will I get?

If your average earnings before deductions such as tax and National Insurance (NI) are £84.00 a week or more:

Standard rate £70.05 from April 2006

How do I claim?

Telling your employer you are sick

To get SSP, you should tell your employer that you are sick as soon as possible. You employer may have their own rules for when and how you tell them you are sick (please check with your employer).

However they cannot insist that you tell them:

in person

earlier than the first qualifying day or by a set time

on a special form

on a medical certificate

more than once a week during your sickness

Your employer may not pay you SSP if you tell them you are sick more than 7 days after you are first became sick.

Evidence that you are sick

Your employer will ask you for evidence that you are sick. This will usually be in the form of a sick note from your doctor.

But your employer cannot ask you to provide a sick note, for the first 7 days that you are sick. They may ask you to fill in a self-certificate of their own or form SC2 which you can get from your GP's surgery, your nearest HM Revenue & Customs office or HM Revenue & Customs website.

How is it paid?

Your employer will pay SSP to you in the same way and at the same time as your normal wages.

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What else should I know?

If you have more than one job you may be entitled to SSP from each employer.

Your employer cannot end your contract of service to avoid paying SSP.

If you are away from work because of trade union action, you will not get SSP.

If you are in legal custody, you will not get SSP.


If you have been sick for two spells or more of at least 4 days in a row with 8 weeks or less between them, they will be counted as one Period of Incapacity for Work. This means that waiting days will not be served for the second period of sickness.

If you have been in receipt of Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Benefit within 8 weeks of being sick, you are not entitled to SSP because you can reclaim IB or SDB. Some people will also be entitled to reclaim IB or SDB if they are sick again within 52 weeks of a previous illness, and would not be entitled to SSP during this time. Subject to Parliamentary approval, this 52 week period will extend to 104 weeks (2 years) from October 2006. You will have received a linking letter from your Jobcentre Plus or Social Security office, give this to your employer.


If you receive SSP for a pregnancy related illness at the start of or in the 4 weeks before your baby is due, SSP will stop and any entitlement to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) or Maternity Allowance (MA) will start automatically.

If you are entitled to SMP or MA, you cannot get SSP for 26 weeks starting with the day of entitlement to those payments.

If you are not entitled to SMP or MA, you cannot get SSP for 18 weeks starting with:

the Sunday of the week your baby is born; or

the Sunday of the week you are sick from work for a pregnancy related illness

Occupational Sick Pay Schemes

Many employers have their own sick pay scheme. If your employer has a sick pay scheme, which is equal to, or more than SSP, they may have different rules for payment, which you must keep to receive payment.

Other information:

If SSP ends, claim Incapacity Benefit (This link will take you to the Jobcentre Plus website)

What happens if my employer says I do not qualify or my SSP ends?

If you cannot get SSP or your SSP has ended ask your employer for form SSP1, which they should fill in and give to you. You will need to send this form to your local social security office with your claim for Incapacity Benefit.

If you think your employer’s decision to not pay you SSP is wrong, or they did not pay when they should have done, or they paid too little and you cannot sort it out with your employer (they should give the reasons in writing), contact your local HM Revenue & Customs office to decide the matter. Find your local office at

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Employers: You can download a Statutory Sick Pay Form - for employers to explain why they cannot pay SSP

For details on how to administer and pay SSP, visit the HM Revenue & Customs website at:

You can download form SSP1 in PDF. This form does not apply in Northern Ireland. Please complete and return this form as soon as possible as your claim will depend on the date we receive a completed claim form.

Get help with PDFs

We recommend that you save this file to your computer hard disk, CD or a floppy disk before printing it.

To save a copy of the file to disk right click with your mouse on the form link below and choose the 'Save Target As' option.

If you want to print out a form to fill in with a pen (88KB)

The form comes with notes that will help you fill in the form and tell you what to do.

Please contact the eService Helpdesk if you are having technical difficulties:

downloading the form

printing a hard copy

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I am already getting it. What happens if:

I go into hospital?

SSP is not affected however long you are in hospital.

I go to live abroad or to visit?

If you work abroad you may be able to get SSP if your employer is liable to pay NI contributions for you. If you go abroad to visit, SSP can still be paid provided you can prove you are still sick. Most other benefits are affected if you are going abroad. You can get more information about certain countries through this site.

I am part of a service family living abroad or visiting?

Serving members of the Armed Forces cannot get SSP, but members of their families may be able to get it. See above.

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More information

If you are an employee you can get information from your local Jobcentre Plus or social security office.

If you are an employer, get in touch with your local HM Revenue & Customs NI Contributions office for more information or phone the Employers Helpline on 0845 7 143 143.

HM Revenue & Customs website:

Other help

Incapacity Benefit (this link will take you to the Jobcentre Plus website)

Income Support (this link will take you to the Jobcentre Plus website)

Housing Benefit

Council Tax Benefit

Remember that this website is only a general guide to benefits and schemes and is not a full and authoritative statement of the law. We have made every effort to ensure that the information on this website is correct at the date shown at the top of this page. However, changes in the law may make the website become gradually less accurate.

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