Nothing Like A Dame Day 2025 is on Thursday, April 17, 2025: Coach Charlie Weiss and Notre Dame?

Thursday, April 17, 2025 is Nothing Like A Dame Day 2025. The Actors Fund's blog There's Nothing Like “Nothing

Nothing Like A Dame Day

Nothing will probably inject just a little sunshine and gaudiness into someone’s day better than Nothing Like a Dame Day.This celebration of large, brash, smiling-through-the-discomfort ladies from the theatre, gives even individuals of the straight-laced character the chance to seize a boa, glue on some spidery lashes, and sashay like Carol Channing, Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, or Ethel Merman.Individuals individuals who aren’t the dressing type might mark Nothing Like a Dame Day inside a more private way, by digging out Rogers and Hammerstein’s brashest work and getting a singalong to individuals large amounts from South Off-shore, which gave us the unsubtle joys of There's Nothing a Dame.In The Uk, where there's a lesser theatre tradition of brassy, ballsy dames, Nothing Beats Dame Day is more prone to celebrate their pantomime dame. These males, outfitted very unconvincingly as women, really are a comical staple of the family shows at The holiday season.

Coach Charlie Weiss and Notre Dame?

Weis has done nothing at Notre Dame that any coach couldn't do. He coaches a risky game which more often than not has hurt his team(fake punt). As the coach of Notre Dame Weis' biggest "win" was a 3 point loss to USC. I think many older Irish fans in the media still think they are in the glory days where Notre Dame was THE team. While Notre Dame may still be the most popular team among average people who don't often watch CFB it has nothing to do with their play on the field but the Catholic ties and legend.

Oh having a contract with NBC doesn't hurt either...

if the oompa loompas were to sing about your day, what would they say?

if the oompa loompas were to sing about your day, what would they say?

Oompa loompa doopedy dame

Is her day really always this lame?

Oompa loompa doopedy dee

I am sure glad that she is not me.

She sits all day computing inside

No one would notice if she up and died

What does she do with her college degree?

Nothing at all: she’s lame, you see!


Ommpa loompa doopedy da

She will go bonkers before too long

She will live in boringness, too

Unlike the oompa loompas doopedy do!

I’m going to Paris for 3 days. Any recommendations? Places? Hotels? Attractions?

I'm going to Paris for 3 days. Any recommendations? Places? Hotels? Attractions?

First of all, wear comfortable shoes and a money belt. Who likes traipsing around museums on blisters? Operate with a day's worth of Euros in your wallet and keep the rest in your money belt. If you find you need more, slip into a bathroom and make a withdrawal from your money belt (or neck pouch).

You could purchase a 2-day museum pass (32 Euros). With the museum pass you can either waltz to the front of the line at museums, or you can enter through another, quicker line. You can purchase the museum pass at a participating museum or monument or at any major metro station ticket booth. Also...the Metro is going to be your best friend...purchase a carnet of 10 metro tickets (un carnet de dix).

I would start the trip off with an introductory bus tour of Paris, complete with historical background via headset. It allows you to get your bearings and see the layout of the city, see where things are located in proximity to one another. Paris Vision and Cityrama both offer the bus tour, among countless other tours. They are both located on Rue de Rivoli, across from the Louvre and Tuileries Garden. If you're looking for souvenirs, Rue de Rivoli is the place to go. Keep in mind, the further away from a major attraction, the less expensive the souvenirs.

You have three days in Paris, so you're obviously going to want to make the most of your time. That's where the museum pass can come in handy. You have to use it within 2 consecutive days. You can use it at the Louvre, Musee d'Orsay, Rodin Museum, Pompidou Center, Invalides, Versailles, Picasso Museum, Arc de Triomphe, etc. When entering the Louvre, make sure you enter through the Metro (Metro stop: Palais Royale: Musee du Louvre). This will take you through the Carrousel du Louvre, an underground shopping center and to an alternate entrance to the museum. Sure, there is nothing quite as grand as entering the Louvre via the I. M. Pei Pyramid, but you'll pay dearly by standing in line for a long time.

Check out He has an audio tour of certain museums and walks in Paris. His book, "Rick Steves' Paris", also has quite a few other walks and tours in Paris designed to save you precious time so you can see more art in less time. The Louvre can be easy to become lost in (which is fun as well). He also has a tour of Pere-Lachaise Cemetery.

Make a list of the museums you must see and, if they're included in the museum pass, try to see them in the first two days. Then, on your third day, you can visit places not included in the museum pass, such as Pere-Lachaise Cemetery, Sacre-Coeur Basilica, Montmartre, Notre Dame Cathedral (although you can use the pass to gain access to the towers), Eiffel Tower, Luxembourg Gardens, Catacombs, etc. A cruise along the Seine is always fun as well, especially after dark.

Be sure to greet Parisians in shops, restaurants, etc, with "Bonjour" and "au revoir" when leaving. They are very polite. "Merci" and "pardon" are also used quite a bit.

Holidays also on this date Thursday, April 17, 2025...