One Day Without Shoes Day 2025 is on Tuesday, April 15, 2025: Is anyone going barefoot for the one day without shoes event?

Tuesday, April 15, 2025 is One Day Without Shoes Day 2025. Today is One Day Without Shoes – Are You Barefoot Yet One Day Without Shoes

One Day Without Shoes Day

It’s super easy to consider footwear as a given – however, many people, and lots of children on the planet don’t own or get access to footwear. Consider just how much footwear allow you to travel, traverse uneven terrain, and also to take proper care of your ft and go without footwear on One Day Without Shoes Day to exhibit your understanding of and support for individuals who don’t get access to this type of simple but important bit of clothing.

Is anyone going barefoot for the one day without shoes event?

A month without shoes would give people a much fairer idea about what it's like to go barefoot all the time. It's been nearly a month already since either of my boys have worn any shoes. They've always enjoyed going barefoot everywhere for at least 8 months out of every year. Their feet are perfectly healthy, and have never come to any harm. Once you're used to going barefoot, you pretty much don't want to wear any shoes. We do a lot of walking, both in the woods, and into town, and the boys very rarely get any cuts or scrapes on their feet, far fewer, in fact, than they get on their hands, and we've never had to tend any infections. Feet are really pretty tough, and our are no more inadequate, at least in mild climates, than those of any of God's other creatures. There are no worries about athletes foot, or stinky bacteria either when you go barefoot. Most foot problems are caused by shoes. People who are always barefoot have much healthier feet. Barefoot is natural and healthy.

TOMS one day without shoes?

TOMS one day without shoes?

to all these people commenting this question:

Going One Day Without Shoes isn't to help anyone, other than ourselves. It makes you realize how difficult and painful it is to be shoeless, and causes awareness not only to yourself, but to others around you. most people don't think about being shoeless because we're lucky, so that is what this whole holiday is for.

as for buying Toms shoes, it actually does help. no it doesn't save the whole world, but it's taking it on one step at a time by putting shoes on kids who don't have shoes, and need shoes to go to school. you can die from not wearing shoes, so Toms is saving lives. and they post videos on Youtube of them actually giving shoes to the kids, so you know it's a legit company.

oh, and Toms follows up with every kid they give shoes to, and provides them more shoes when needed.

Going barefoot tomorrow (April 8th) for TOMS shoes One Day Without Shoes awareness?

Going barefoot tomorrow (April 8th) for TOMS shoes One Day Without Shoes awareness?

A month without shoes would give people a much fairer idea about what it's like to go barefoot all the time. It's been nearly a month already since either of my boys have worn any shoes. 55F is no problem at all for them. They're barefoot as soon as it gets into the 40s, and actually we anjoy running out barefoot into the snow for a bit on warmer winter days. They've always enjoyed going barefoot everywhere for at least 8 months out of every year. Their feet are perfectly healthy, and have never come to any harm. Once you're used to going barefoot, you pretty much don't want to wear any shoes. We do a lot of walking, both in the woods, and into town, and the boys very rarely get any cuts or scrapes on their feet, far fewer, in fact, than they get on their hands, and we've never had to tend any infections. Feet are really pretty tough, and our are no more inadequate, at least in mild climates, than those of any of God's other creatures. There are no worries about athletes foot, or stinky bacteria either when you go barefoot. Most foot problems are caused by shoes. People who are always barefoot have much healthier feet. Barefoot is natural and healthy.

Try it, you'll like it:)

Just wear a bit more on your upper body to make up for a bit more heat loss through your feet.


Holidays also on this date Tuesday, April 15, 2025...