Organize Your Medical Information Month on October, 2024: how to organize an office?

October, 2024 is Organize Your Medical Information Month 2024. Medical Information‎ Over 100 Million Visitors. Discover and Explore on!

how to organize an office?

"What to Do When Your Desk Is a Disaster by Ronnie Eisenberg , a nationally recognized time-management and organizational expert.

Many of my clients are truly frantic because their desks are such a mess. They can't find slips of paper on which they wrote important phone numbers; they know they received information they sent for, but it's buried in a pile of paper; they were working on a chapter of a novel, but the notes for the next chapter are gone. Here's how I counsel them when I make a house call:

* Address your desk problems in blocks of time. You may be able to straighten out the clutter in a few hours, or you may need a weekend. Sometimes it's better to devote a couple of hours a day to the job until you're done.

* Have on hand a trash can, a pen, file folders, labels and the other desk organizational aids mentioned above that suit your needs.

* Clear the space you want to organize (the desk surface, one of the drawers, etc.). Then make a big pile of all the paper.

* Evaluate each item, categorize it and put it away (in the desk drawer, in a file, in one of the desk organizers, etc.), throwing out as much as possible.

* Even when you are feeling overwhelmed, just keep sorting and categorizing. If you devote the necessary time, your desk can be cleared.

* Enlist the help of a partner;a spouse, a secretary, someone who can help you keep going.

Organization is a skill that can be learned. The most difficult part is breaking your lifelong bad habits (like letting your paperwork pile up). The key to getting better organized is to start with one small step and then take others one at a time. You may find that what you've put off for years takes only an hour to do. And once you see the benefits in one part of your life, you'll be motivated to go on.

If you implement the ideas given here, you'll be free from chaos and feel in charge of your life. Once you've started, stick with it. Getting organized is the first step; persistence and follow-through will keep you that way. Now, go get started.

Here are some tips to help you work better:

# Make it a rule to always refile things. You can establish a special place (such as a desktop standing file) for current projects, but otherwise put everything away.

# Put loose papers in clearly labeled files ("Tasks," "To Read," etc.) or color-coded ones (purple = medical, green = legal matter).

# If you're concerned about remembering where you are going to put some notes you'll need for an upcoming project, note the location in your planner on the day or month the project is due.

# Use your planner. It is invaluable for recording ideas in the working/developing stage. Instead of jotting down notes on scraps of paper and never knowing where to find them, you'll have one place to look when you want to refer back to that million-dollar idea, a clever paragraph for a sales letter, a new marketing idea, anecdotes or the details of a telephone conversation.

# Set aside time daily for doing paperwork. Choose an hour when there are few distractions;if at home, in the early morning before the family gets up or if at work, before the staff comes in. During this time, use an answering machine or your voice mail system to screen calls, have your secretary hold calls or have a co-worker answer your phone (you can return the favor at another time).

# Use the desk clock as an important ally. If you're procrastinating about something, tell yourself you'll work on it for "just 15 minutes." And use the clock to help you stop early enough so you will have time to put things away at the end of the day.

5 things you should do Daily in your office

1 Defragment your computer- you'll waste too much time waiting for things to happen if you dont do this Daily!

2 Make sure all notes & addresses are transfered to your day planner

3 Remove manuels & catalogs from desk top & put them in their proper place

4 File as you go- dont wait to put things away

5 Run your virus scan if you do email or downloading"

medical billing question please read?

medical billing question please read?

~~There is not much to do to prepare as you will be taking classes so they will provide you with everything you need to study and learn.

You will feel overwhelmed at first because there are so many codes to learn. Just relax and do not think you really have to know them all. Each specialty more orr less uses a certain set of codes and once you are working with a medical provider you will quickly memorize the codes you deal with on a regular basis. If you need one, every office has CPT codes as well as DX codes manuals to figure out what you need.

Computers nowadays has made this job so much easier. Most offices are equipped with programs that do all the formatting for you. You just will fill in the appropriate information and print or electronically send. Where the largest part of the work comes in is when the insurance companies do not pay and you have to follow up on your claims. So learn to be organized, and learn to deal with all sorts of insurance company nightmares, because none of them want to pay, so your job will be to stay on top of the claim payments.

I love billing, authorizations, just about everything in medical office work. It's very busy work and so the time flies. Mental health was my preference to work in.

Just take the class and do not feel overwhelmed by it all. Once you are working, it all comes together. You must be organized, it's probably the most important thing in billing.~~

Information about Clara Barton?

Information about Clara Barton?

In 'America's Women' Gail Collins writes:

'Clara Barton was one of those restless New England spinsters of the nineteenth century who spent their lives going from place to place, living with friends and relatives, never finding a spot to settle in. She was intellectual, athletic and afflicted with periodic bouts of depression. A talented teacher, she quit a good position in New Jersey when a man was appointed head of a public school system she had founded. She became one of the first Patent Orffice women in Washington and was, remarkably, paid the same slary as the male workers.

When the war began, one of the first New England volunteer regiments that traveled through Washington on its way to the South was the Sixth Massachussetts. Nearly forty of the men in the unit had been Barton's pupils, and the mothers of Clara's "boys" targeted her as a useful go-between in sending food and clothing to their sons. Soon her house was so crammed with bosex that she had to move. The turning point in Barton's life came when she realised that the lovingly packed gifts that piled up in her living quarters were not just special treats. The soap, fruits and other presents were dire necessities for men serving in an army bereft of supplies. The medical situation was worst of all. There were not enough field hospitals, and those that existed sometimes lacked even bandages. There was not enough medicine and certainly not enough medical staff. Most of the wounded died - nine out of ten men with abdominal injuries failed to survive their treatment. When trains bearing the wounded arrived back from the front, they brought fallen soldiers who had not been given anythign to eat or drink for days.

Barton began actively soliciting donations and supplies. The women she contacted responded with a flood of fruit preserves and soap and lemons to combat scurvey. Within six months Barton had filled three warehouses. She bought perishables like bread with her own scanty funds and distributed her wares at military hospitals. Once the hospitals were better organised and flooded with female volunteers, Barton began to meet the ships and trains carryhing wounded men from the front. The next obvious step was to get to the battlefield itself, and after months of beurocratic wrangling, she got permission to pass through the lines with her wagons of supplies. It would be the last time she would bother to ask. The army became so grateful for her efforts that soon she began to get unofficial leaks directing her to the next site of the fighting.

After the war, Barton became famous as the organiser of the American Red Cross, but her finest hours came in those hectic, disorganized trauma centres of the Civil War's early years. her face turned blue from the gunpowder, and her skirts were so heavy with blood that she had to wring them out before she could walk under their weight. Her courage under fire was legendary. Walking across a rickety bridge under heavy battery, she barely missed bein gkilled by a shell that tore away a portion of her skirt. At Antietam, when doctors were not available, she removed a bullet from a solider's face while another wounded man held his head still. Later, when the operating room came under fire and the male assistants fled, Barton stayed to hold down the table where a surgeon was operating. "I am a US soldier you know and therefore not supposed to be susceptible to fear" she said.'

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, October 1, 2024...