Pet Day 2025 is on Friday, April 11, 2025: How much to charge for pet day care?

Friday, April 11, 2025 is Pet Day 2025. National Pet Day! Adopt! Don't Shop! National Pet Day! Adopt!

Pet Day

Love Your Pet Day is an opportunity for those of us that have animals to reveal them just how much we like them. Now, we all can consider the standard points: a new plaything, some delicious addresses, or a long walk in the park, perhaps a game of retrieve, assuming you have a pet! But, believe outside the box and think of some suggestions to celebrate your relationship with your pet. The moment you have indulged your very own pets with their favored manages, why not consider contributing to a shelter or or other animal welfare company? There are a lot of disregarded and undesirable pets awaiting some love and attention. You could donate your time, or you could contribute meals or various other products. Every bit assists. If you do not already have an animal, exactly what far better time to adopt one? An excellent words to keep in mind is "embrace, don't look around." One more expression all pet proprietors live by is "Everyday is Love Your Pet Day".

How much to charge for pet day care?

It depends on the area that you live in. For some people, any amount will be too expensive. For others, there's no amount of money that's too much for their pet.

In my area, it can get a little expensive. The breeder that I got my dog from also provides "doggie day care." He charges $15/day or $10/half-day. Hours are from 7:00am to 6:00pm. There are several activities that keep the dogs busy all day.

I have also looked into the cost of having someone come to my house to walk the dog several times/day. The going rate around my area is $20-25/day.

The only thing that I can say in the defense of these 'high' prices is that the services are provided by qualified individuals. The breeder employs groomers that are also vet technicians (good if your pet gets injured while there). The dog-walker that goes to people's houses is a certified dog trainer. So the more experienced and qualified that you are, the higher your rate should be.

What pets can you get on pet days?

What pets can you get on pet days?

Every single pet gets their own day. =)

Jan 3 - Aishia Day

Jan 16 - Elephante Day

Jan 29 - Kacheek Day

Feb. 3 - Zafara Day

Feb. 12 - Lenny Festival (Lenny Day)

Feb. 18 - Chocolate Chia Day (Chia Day)

Feb. 21 - Tonu Day

Feb. 22 - Mynci Day

Mar. 2 - Uni Day

Mar 6th - Gelert Day

Mar 14th - Scorchio Day

Mar 22nd - Chomby Carnival (Chomby Day)

Apr 2nd - Shoyru Day

Apr 16th - Krawk Day

Apr 19th - Lutari Day

Apr 22nd - Kougra Day

Apr 27th - Cybunny Carnival (Cybunny Day)

May 2nd - Lupe Day

May 4th - Hissi Day

May 14th - Moehog Day

May 25th - Koi Day

May 28th - Yurble Day

June 6th - JubJub Day

June 13th - Quiggle Day

June 15th - Nimmo Day

June 19th - Kau Day

July 3rd - Flotsam Day

July 11th - Ixi Day

July 12th - Tuskaninny Day

July 17th - Kiko Day

July 26th - Peophin Day

July 29th - Ruki Day

Aug 8th - Blumaroo Day

Aug 18th - Meerca Day!

Aug 29th - Kyrii Day

Sept 9th - Draik Day

Sept 13th - Techo Day

Sept 19th - Poogle Parade (Poogle Day)

Sept 25th - Skeith Day

Oct 4th - Grarrl Day

Oct 10th - Eyrie Day

Oct 13th - Bori Day

Oct 16th - Jetsam Day

Oct 23rd - Symol Day

Oct 26th - Korbat Day

Nov 8th - Pteri Flying Championships (Pteri Day)

Nov. 29 - Xweetok Day

Dec 5th - Bruce Day

Dec 12th - Wocky Day

Dec 28th - Ogrin Day

Good luck getting the pet you want! :) You can also go to to see these days and other events.

has any one got a pet from next day pet???

has any one got a pet from next day pet???

Next Day Pets is an online classified system to advertise pets for sale. Every breeder on there is disreputable and would fall into the category of either a backyard breeder or (and this is most of them) a puppy mill. Reputable breeders sell their babies before they are bred, and do so without advertising online. They do not sell to just any person with money- they want to make sure that any animal they produce will have a lifetime home. You want to buy from a reputable breeder because you will hopefully have this pet for a long long time. Reputable breeders health screen and temperament test their adults prior to breeding, giving you the best chance at a healthy happy pet that will live a long life with you. Contact the breed club for the sort of pet you are interested in that operates locally and ask for referrals to reputable breeders. You will need to be a little patient since they won't have any 'right now', but considering the length of the commitment you make to a pet, it is worth the wait to have the best possible companion.

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