Puzzle Day 2025 is on Wednesday, January 29, 2025: Spanish Logic Puzzle ( days of the week) Please help!!!!?

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Spanish Logic Puzzle ( days of the week) Please help!!!!?

If yesterday was not Monday nor are short 3 days till the second day of the week,The day after tomorrow is not Tuesday nor was the day before yesterday the third day of the week neither were there 3 days short till thursday,nor is tomorrow Sunday. Which day is today?

how many days total? math word puzzle.?

how many days total? math word puzzle.?

Let there be x days where she didn't work in ANY shifts, then total number of days she stayed would be 14 + x. This is because she can work either in morning or evening but not both. So, if she worked in m mornings and e evenings and was idle for x days, then m + e = 14 and total number of days = 14 + x.

Now, she didn't work 15 mornings - but this 15 days include the x idle days + evening shifts (e).

Then, number of evening shifts = 15 - x = e

Similarly, number of morning shifts = 17 - x = m

Again, e + m = 14 => 17-x + 15-x = 14

Then, x = 9

Then she stayed for 14+9 = 23 days

Puzzle of the day.. ?

Puzzle of the day.. ?

It is Tuesday

Statements 3 and 5 can't both be the truth as he only tells the truth on one day only. They also both can't be lies as that would mean once again that he tells the truth on two different days minimum. For "I lie on Mondays and Tuesdays" to be a lie, it means that he must tell the truth either on Mondays or Tuesdays. Similarly for "I lie on Wednesdays and Fridays" to be a lie, he must tell the truth on one of those two days also. Therefore one of these two statements is the truth and one a lie.

Therefore as you know that one of statements 3 and 5 is the truth, and he says that "today is either Thursday, Saturday or Sunday" on a different (non truth telling) day, then you know this is a lie.

Therefore you can immediately rule out Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

Therefore the truth telling day is either Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.Then it is a question of fitting the statements around the days until you come up with a solution

Lets assume it is Monday.

We have already determined that one of statements 3 and 5 is the truth. IF MONDAY is the truth telling day the statement that he has to make on Monday is "I lie on Wednesdays and Fridays" for it to be the truth. This means that the day prior to Monday he states "Today is either Thursday Saturday or Sunday". It is SUNDAY so this statement would also be the truth. BUT he is not allowed to tell the truth on two days (Sunday and Monday) therefore MONDAY is NOT the solution.

Next try TUESDAY. IF he tells the truth on Tuesdays again one of statements 3 and 5 has to be the truth. Once again it can only be "I lie on Wednesdays and Fridays"

Therefore, if he says this on Tuesday,

On the preceeding day (Monday) he states Today is either Thursday, Saturday or Sunday. Monday is a "lying" day and this is obviously a lie.

On Sunday - he states "I lie on Mondays and Tuesdays". As Sunday is a lying day, this must be a lie and IT IS - He tells the truth on TUESDAY. Therefore this statement complies with the answer Tuesday.

Therefore all statements comply with the solution that he TELLS THE TRUTH ON TUESDAYS.

Just checking Wednesday and Friday in case there are TWO solutions.

For him to tell the truth on Wednesday he must state "I lie on Mondays and Tuesdays" on Wednesday.

It therefore follows that on Thursday he states "Today is either Thursday, Saturday or Sunday". This is true also - It is Thursday. As he is not allowed to tell the truth on TWO days. Wednesday cannot be a solution.

For him to tell the truth on Fridays, he must say "I lie on Mondays and Tuesdays: on Friday. This means that he states "Today is either Thursday, Saturday or Sunday" on Saturday. Again it is the truth, and once again as he is not allowed to tell the truth on TWO days, Friday cannot be a solution.


Holidays also on this date Wednesday, January 29, 2025...