Satchmo Days 2024 is on Thursday, April 25, 2024: When was "Satchmo" born? And where?

Thursday, April 25, 2024 is Satchmo Days 2024. Satchmo SummerFest past Satchmo Summer-Fests.

When was "Satchmo" born? And where?

Louis Armstrong was born on August 4, 1901, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the birthplace of jazz. He is considered the most important improviser in jazz, and he taught the world to swing. Armstrong, fondly known as "Satchmo" (which is short for "Satchelmouth" referring to the size of his mouth) or "Pops," had a sense of humor, natural and unassuming manner, and positive disposition that made everyone around him feel good. With his infectious, wide grin and instantly recognizable gravelly voice, he won the hearts of people everywhere. He had an exciting and innovative style of playing that musicians imitate to this day. Throughout his career, Armstrong spread the language of jazz around the world, serving as an international ambassador of swing. His profound impact on the music of the 20th century continues into the 21st century.

What are some good b’day party games?

What are some good b'day party games?

Have a sing-along. Make copies of words.

Ask guests in advance for something unusual about themselves or something they know how to do, such as playing a musical instrument, a vacation trip they've taken, an unusually large number of brothers & sisters, a summer job, favorite food, or hobby, inside knowledge like who know the name of the performer who went by the nickname "Satchmo" or whatever. (There may be more than one person who knows something.) Then type up something like a Bingo grid with these answers & have everybody run around getting the name of someone who fits that description. You could see who can get a row filled in or the whole grid filled in.

Or you could just have a quiz using stuff from movies or music. Your friends will probably enjoy that most if they can work in groups to fill in the answers to that.

Paste a few comic strips on a piece of paper only use white-out on part of the dialogue. Divide guests into groups to come up with new dialogue. Then have someone in each group read their answers.

Have a bunch of stuff from your junk drawer, fabric trim drawer, fake flowers, feathers, buttons, toy wheels, or whatever that you've placed in boxes. Supply each group with scissors, paste, & tape, & magic markers perhaps. You could have a few extra supplies on a central table so they can add or trade some. Have each group make an art project on cardboard or out of the cardboard box. After the time limit, let someone in each group tell about the artwork. It should be just ridiculous.

Have a hat making contest, providing cheap hat forms or asking people to bring some they don't want anymore, & have materials similar to the ones above.

Maybe someone in your family would be a judge, or you could just hand out party favors to everyone for being such good sports about participating.

Hope one of those appeals to you.

what day of the satchmo festival in new orleans is the second line parade?

what day of the satchmo festival in new orleans is the second line parade?

August 1-4, 2013

Always 1st weekend of August

Holidays also on this date Thursday, April 25, 2024...