Spouse's Day 2025 is on Sunday, January 26, 2025: What is your spouse's worst habit?

Sunday, January 26, 2025 is Spouse's Day 2025. Celebrating Spouse's Day 2013 Today is Spouse's Day for

Spouse’s Day

Also called Military Spouse’s Day, Spouse’s Day is devoted to identifying partners of everywhere from being grateful for fulfilment and security of the lengthy-term relationship, towards the boost to morale and well-being supplied by partners of individuals within the military.

What is your spouse’s worst habit?

Drinking! I hate it. The other day I woke up to him walking into our kids room and peeing in their toy box. I was totally angry. He had no idea what happened the next day. And when I told him, he thought I was lying. Fricken lush!!!


Ladies, how did you react to your spouse's marriage proposals? I'm about to receive one from my gay bf?

I don't feel any particular day would really matter to me as long as I loved the person, as long as I did want to be engaged also. Lots of couples get engaged on Valentine's Day. Just have an attitude of gratitude regardless of what day he chooses...the very best to you, have a happy future...:)

Jealousy Over Spouse’s Ex?

Jealousy Over Spouse's Ex?

i used to but gradually over the past couple of years i have come to realise that i am the only woman for my man and he seems to detest her alot

my jealousy was sparked because she wanted him back and she would dress like a sl*t every time he went over there to pick up the kids for visits it stopped the day he asked her "if dressing like that was suppose to impress him because it doesnt and it just makes him realise how big a sl*t she really is" i was in the car at the time and i was laughing my arse off, that day cured my jealousy completely

for background reference she was having an affair with his best friend the entire time they were married (8 years) and the couple of years they were together before that only he didnt see it until it was to late

i now know my jealousy was entirely in my imagination but it took that day for me to see how much he detested her mainly because he doesnt know if his kids are his and we cant afford dna tests.but i also started to look at the way he watched me or what he has done for me and i realised he loves me more than anything

my way of dealing with the jealousy was to either ignore it (very hard) or to make little comments stuff like would you go back to her or how much do you love me silly stuff like that i am ashamed now for it but at the time it was a really big deal so i feel empathy for you i hope everything works out for you.

Holidays also on this date Sunday, January 26, 2025...