World Farm Animals Day 2024 is on Wednesday, October 2, 2024: animal welfare question?

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 is World Farm Animals Day 2024. It's World Farm Animals Day! It's World Farm Animals Day!

World Farm Animals Day

Farm creatures are cute, and in addition they play a huge role in society. Take a while to understand them this World Farm Animals Day. Produced in memory of Ghandi, who supported dealing with all living creatures based, World Farm Animals Day began to focus on poor people conditions experienced by a few farm creatures, and promote awareness with the hope something might be completed to enhance their lives.While World Farm Animals Day comes with an important, and sad, origin, meaning it had been produced to boost understanding of suffering, it may be celebrated diversely with children. Taking children for a trip to a farm is a terrific way to train them about farm creatures, and it is a high probability to instil inside them the content of dealing with creatures based. Another fantastic way to celebrate is as simple as giving for an animal protection charitable organisation of your liking.

animal welfare question?

You cannot change the world, nor have the power to do so. But I have to remind you of something: much of the cruelty you hear about is only found on only 10% of all farms. Much of the other farms that raise dairy cattle and chickens do it right, and do it for not just profits. Many farmers actually do care about their animals, much more so than you realize. But it's that part of things that the media and many people choose to ignore, and are more focused on the negatives than the positives.

I hate reading about you saying you'd rather buy food products from a farm that you personally approve of the way their animals live, because that really tells me that you have no idea how a farm runs or why animals are raised like they are. I mean no offence, but to me you have a Disney-type vision of how animals should live, and this is alone what makes many people like you so compelled to believe that animal agriculture is just wrong, which is very harmful to not only all farmers that try to do things right, but to all those who depend on the stuff that comes from farms to feed them. You obviously don't understand why cows have to be milked; cows actually enjoy being milked, because it releases the painful tension on their udders when they're milked out. You will experience this same pain in your breasts once your daughter is born, and the relief of having the pressure released by your suckling baby. As for the chickens, I also don't agree with that, but how else are eggs going to be collected? Chickens tend to hide their eggs, and it takes TIME before you can actually find them. Plus if you try to take a hen's eggs from under her I'll be darned if you don't get pecked at if you do. It just makes it easier to collect eggs when their kept in cages. Sounds cruel, I know, but there's a method to that madness.

Animals that get slaughtered actually have it pretty good compared to those animals that are killed for food by wolves, bears and lions: They get stunned into unconciousness before being officially killed. The ungulates and wild herbivores in the wild are still concious very much aware of their pain and surroundings while the wolves and lions start feeding on them. And wild herbivores under go a heck of a lot more stress and cruelty at the paws of their killers before they die than domesticated livestock do in the slaughter plant; they get chased down before putting up a fight to the death, then die from suffocation, poisoning, exhaustion or loss of blood. Domestic livestock don't know their going to die until they have the cap bolt suddenly pointed and shot through their heads. Think on that for a moment. Mother Nature tends to be far crueler than those who care for their livestock are or will ever be.

importance of peasant farming?

importance of peasant farming?

Peasant Farming is very importance in agriculture based world, Andradye.

Peasant Farming

Peasant Farming is firstly defined as the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals on a small scale.

This farming industry occupies approximately two lots of land.

Peasant farmers are found in markets selling produce and are also found in rural areas. They have small farming equipment mostly manual tools/ labor.

Peasant Farmers face more problems with crop infestations, pests and diseases and massive loss of crop and animal. They use simple agricultural products to help the plants grow and prevent these problems from occurring.

Most of today's farmers are peasant farmers. It provides a wider scale for agriculture without the need to pay taxes or suffer bankruptcy and losses by the hands of others.


Peasant is any member of a class of persons who till the soil as small landowners or as agricultural laborers. The term peasant originally referred to small-scale agriculturalists in Europe in historic times, but many other societies, both past and present, have had a peasant class.

The plantation system was well established during the latter part of the 17th century and reached its maximum development in the 18th century to be replaced by modern day plantation systems. However due to the abolition of slavery and the migration of slaves eventually a wide variety of small scale tenure arrangements ranging from illegal squatting on crown lands to genuine free holds were established.

The Rome food summit, earlier this month, pledged itself to 'help farmers, particularly small-scale producers, increase production and integrate with local, regional, and international markets'. But, said George Monbiot, writing in The Guardian, big business is destroying them. His important article has stirred much comment and is reproduced here in full.

For many years, well-meaning liberals have supported the fair trade movement because of the benefits it delivers directly to the people it buys from. But the structure of the global food market is changing so rapidly that fair trade is now becoming one of the few means by which small farmers in poor nations might survive. A shift from small to large farms will cause a major decline in global production, just as food supplies become tight. Fair trade might now be necessary not only as a means of redistributing income, but also to feed the world.

Animal Farm?

Animal Farm?

It is on actual events and heres who they represtent

Old Major= Marxism (Lenin)

Jones= Czar Nichols II

Moses= Organized religion (Russian Orthodox Church)

Animal Rebellion= Russian Revolution of 1917

Napoleon= Stalin

Snowball= Trotsky

Squealer= Pravda

Napoleon's dogs= Secert police

Foxwood Farm (Pilkington)= England (Churchill)

Pichfield (Frederick)= Germany (Hitler)

Battle of Cowshed= Anti-Revolutionary Invasion of Russia

Battle of the Windmill= Battle of Stalingrad (German Invasion of Russia during World War II)

Final Scene (meeting of men and pigs)= Teheran Conference

Animals other than pigs and dogs= the proletariat

Building of the windmill= five-year plan

Old Major's skull= Lenin's body

Chasing away Jones= disposal of Czar and family

Animal Farm= Russia/USSR

Confessions and executions= blood purges of 1936-38

Selling of the wood= Nazi-Soviet pact

Pigeons sent to incite other rebellions= Communist Internaionale

Four porkers reject Napoleon's ideas= White Russians

Mollie teh cart horse= the bourgeoisie

Mr. Whymer (broker) = foreign agents of the Comintern

Napeoln takes ober the farm= Stalin becomes dictator

Hoof and horn on flag= hammer and sickle

thats all my notes say that i took from when my class read it a couple of weeks ago!

Holidays also on this date Wednesday, October 2, 2024...