World Telecommunications Day 2024 is on Friday, May 17, 2024: List of World days.Someone?

Friday, May 17, 2024 is World Telecommunications Day 2024. World Information Society Day was proclaimed to be on 17 May by a United Nations General Assembly resolution, following the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis.

World Telecommunication

World Information Society Day was proclaimed to be on 17 May by a United Nations General Assembly resolution, following the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis.

List of World days...Someone?

January 1 New Year's Day (New Year's Day)

February 2 World Wetlands Day (World Wetlands Day)

February 14 Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day)

March 3 on the ears of the love

March 5 young volunteers on service

March 8 International Women's Day (International Women 'Day)

March 9, Mother River Protection

March 12 Arbor Day in China (China Arbor Day)

White Day on March 14 (White Day)

March 14, the International Police (International Policemen 'Day)

March 15, the interests of consumers the world (World Consumer Right Day)

March 21, the world's forests (World Forest Day)

March 21 World Sleep Day (World Sleep Day)

March 22 World Water Day (World Water Day)

March 23 World Meteorological Day (World Meteorological Day)

March 24 of the World TB Day (World Tuberculosis Day)

April 1 April Fool's Day (April Fools' Day)

April 5 Ching Ming Festival (Tomb-sweeping Day)

April 7 World Health Day (World Health Day)

April 22 World Earth Day (World Earth Day)

April 26 World Intellectual Property Day (World Intellectual Property Day)

May 1 International Labor Day (International Labour Day)

May 3 World Asthma Day (World Asthma Day)

May 4th Youth Day in China (Chinese Youth Day)

May 8 World Red Cross Day (World Red-Cross Day)

May 12 international Hu Shijie (International Nurse Day)

May 15 International Day of Families (International Family Day)

May 17 World Telecommunications Day (World Telecommunications Day)

May 20, the National Student Nutrition

May 23, the international milk (International Milk Day)

May 31 World No Tobacco Day (World No-Smoking Day)

June 1 International Children's Day (International Children's Day)

June 5 World Environment Day (International Environment Day)

June 6 eye on the love

June 17 World to Combat Desertification and Drought on the (World Day to combat desertification)

June 23, the International Olympic (International Olympic Day)

June 25th National Land Day

June 26 International Anti-Drug Day (International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking)

July 1, the birth of China GCD (Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party)

July 1, the international construction (International Architecture Day)

July 7 anniversary of the Chinese people's War of Resistance Against Japan

July 11 World Population Day (World Population Day)

August 1 Army Day Chinese People's Liberation Army (Army Day)

August 12th International Youth Day (International Youth Day)

September 8 International Literacy Day (International Anti-illiteracy Day)

September 10 China's Teacher's Day (Teacher's Day)

September 16, the Chinese brain health

September 16, the International Ozone Layer Protection (International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer)

September 20 National Love Teeth Day

September 21 ceasefire on the world (World Cease-fire Day)

September 27 World Tourism Day (World Tourism Day)

People's Republic of China on October 1 National Day (National Day)

October 1 International Music Day (International Music Day)

October 1 International Day of Older Persons (International Day of Older Persons)

October 4 World Animal Day (World Animal Day)

October 5 World Teachers Day (World Teachers' Day) (UNESCO established)

October 8, the National Hypertension

October 9 World Post Day (World Post Day)

October 10 World Mental Health Day (World Mental Health Day)

October 14th World Standards Day (World Standards Day)

October 15 the International Blind Festival (International Day of the Blind)

October 15 World Rural Women's Day (World Rural Women's Day)

October 16th World Food Day (World Food Day)

October 17 on international poverty eradication (International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)

October 24 United Nations Day (United Nations Day)

October 24 World Development Information Day (World Development Information Day)

October 28, the Chinese men's health

October 29 the International Day for Biological Diversity (International Biodiversity Day)

October 31 Halloween (Halloween)

November 8 Chinese reporters Festival

November 9 publicity on fire

November 14 World Diabetes Day (World Diabetes Day)

November 17 International University Festival

November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (International Day For the elimination of Violence against Women)

December 1 World AIDS Day (World AIDS Day)

December 3 World Day of Disabled Persons (World Disabled Day)

December 4, the legal system propaganda

December 9, the world soccer (World Football Day)

December 25 Christmas (Christmas Day)

December 29 the International Day for Biological Diversity (International Biological Diversity Day)

January last Sunday, the International Leprosy Day

March last full week Monday on safety education in primary and secondary school students

Full moon after the spring equinox the first Easter Sunday (Easter Monday) (possible that the March 22-4 on day 25 of the day

Current problems and Future prospects of world bank?

Current problems and Future prospects of world bank?

1. The globalization of market forces, vigorously promoted by the World Bank, creates greater inequality. Over the past 30 years the globalization of the economy-led by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and transnational corporations-has proceeded at a quickening pace. These institutions have pressured governments to remove barriers to the cross-border flows of money and products. Advances in telecommunications and computer technology have made it possible for trillions of dollars in finance capital to zoom around the world, 24 hours a day, searching for the highest rate of interest.

This globalization of market forces has greatly increased inequality. Just 150 years ago there was not great inequality between the standards of living of people in the global north and those in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Now the richest 20 percent of the world's population receives 83% of the world's income, while the poorest 60% of the world's people receive just 5.6% of the world's income. The richest 20% of the world's population in northern industrial countries uses 70% of the world's energy, 75% of the world's metals, 85% of the world's wood, 60% of the world's food, and produces about 75% of the world's environmental pollution.

2. The World Bank is wrong in arguing that economic growth will solve the problems we face. World Bank officials keep reassuring us that if we can just get economic growth rates high enough, these problems will be solved. We regularly hear the refain, "a rising tide floats all boats." But for those who don't own boats or have leaky boats, a rising tide means greater inequality between them and the more fortunate. The data shows that during a period of significant growth in world trade (1960 to 1989), global inequality got significantly worse: the ratio between the richest 20% and poorest 20% of the world population went from 30 to 1 to 59 to 1. We should also remember that unrestrained growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.

3. The real function of institutions such as the World Bank is not to promote "development" but rather to integrate the ruling elites of third world countries into the global system of rewards and punishments. Because direct colonial control of the third world is no longer tolerated, northern elites need an indirect way to control policies implemented by third world governments. By getting the elites onto a debt treadmill and promising them new cash if they implement policies written in Washington, the World Bank can effectively control third world policies. You can see the effects right next door in Mexico. For more than a decade, Mexican elites have followed the "Washington consensus" of policy reforms designed by the World Bank. This has created some billionaires, yet for most of the 85 million Mexican people life is more difficult now than it was ten or twenty years ago. If the ruling PRI party did not control the police and military, its blatant corruption and disastrous economic policies would not be tolerated for long.

4. Evidence from many countries shows that the policies promoted by the World Bank are disastrous. Whether you look at poor countries such as Somalia, Rwanda and Mozambique or well- endowed countries such as Ghana, Brazil and the Philippines, the policies pushed by the World Bank have worsened conditions for the majority. Evidence from dozens of countries under World Bank tutelage shows a similar pattern: structural adjustment policies may help countries pay off their foreign debts and may create some millionaires but the majority of the population suffers lower wages, reduced social services and less democratic access to the policy-making process.

5. The World Bank's emphasis on expanding exports has been disastrous for the environment. As part of the standard structural adjustment package, the World Bank encourages countries to expand their exports so they will have more hard currency (dollars, yen) to make payments on their foreign debts. But this leads countries to overexploit their natural resources. They cut down their forests, which contributes to the greenhouse effect. They pump chemicals onto their land to produce export crops such as coffee, tea and tobacco, thus poisoning their land and water. They rip minerals out of the ground at a frantic pace, endangering human lives and the environment in the process. They overfish coastal and international waters, depleting a resource of the global commons.

6. The "free market" economic model being pushed on third world governments is not one the industrial countries used to develop themselves. All the wealthy countries-the USA, Japan, Germany, England, France and the recent success stories such as Taiwan and South Korea-used a heavily state-interventionist model that had government play a strong role in directing investment, managing trade and subsidizing chosen sectors of the economy. The United States was in many ways the "mother country" of protectionism,

Important Days of the calendar year like womens day, aids day, telecommunication Day etc.?

Important Days of the calendar year like womens day, aids day, telecommunication Day etc.?

March 21 - World Forestry Day

March 22 - World Water Day

April 7 - World Health Day,WHO started in this day in 1948

April 22 - Earth Day

June 5 - Environment Day

September 16 - World Ozone Day

July 11 - World Population Day

September 8 - World Literacy Day

April 8 - World Tradition Day

September 13 - World Flowers Day

March 23 - World Meteorological Day

March 24 - World TB Day

October 24 - UNO Day

May 12 - Technology Day

May 17- Telecommunication Day

Holidays also on this date Friday, May 17, 2024...