Garfield the Cat Day 2024 is on Wednesday, June 19, 2024: garfield facts

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 is Garfield the Cat Day 2024. Garfield the Cat Day Garfield the Cat Day

garfield facts??

Garfield is a lazy cat that likes to eat lasagna.

Garfield pokes fun at pet owners and their relationship with their pets, often with the pet as the true master of the household. Garfield also struggles with human problems, such as diets, Mondays, apathy, and boredom.

First Appearance: June 19, 1978

Garfield is the main character. He is a lazy, selfish, overweight, orange tabby cat who enjoys eating, sleeping and being sarcastic.

Garfield was born in the kitchen of Mama Leoni's Italian Restaurant and developed a taste for lasagna the day he was born. This was revealed on a Garfield TV special called Garfield: His Nine Lives. Ever since then, it has always been his favorite food. At birth, Garfield weighed 5lbs, 6oz. Later in his life, Garfield runs across his Mother again, December 11 1984, one Christmas Eve, accidentally, and meets his Grandfather for the first time. Although, in a series of strips from November 10 to November 22, 1980, Garfield meets his other grandfather, and in a television special called Garfield on the Town, he finds his long-lost mother, and is disgusted to find that they are all "mousers" which is the technical term for mice eaters. Another twist was when Garfield met the rest of his family in the special. Most of them were cousins like Sly, the family's watchcat. The most shocking part was when Garfield met his older half-brother Rauel, who has some hygenic and psychological problems. Garfield can be seen with all his family in the kitchen of Mama Leoni's Restaurant in the Garfield TV special Garfield on the Town.

At the end of the TV special Garfield Gets a Life, Jon’s car is shown driving away, and his vehicle registration plate says Indiana, indicating that Garfield lives in Indiana. Jim Davis added this is possibly because he is from Indiana. It is revealed in the special Garfield Goes Hollywood that he and Jon live in Muncie, Indiana in a contest called Pet Search.

In his cartoon appearances, Garfield usually causes mischief in every episode[citation needed]. In June 1983, comic strips introduced Garfield's alter-ego, Amoeba Man, yet he was only shown in 6 strips (6-20 through 6-25). Amoeba Man is only one of his few imaginary alter egos. The Caped Avenger is one of the more common ones. Other alter-egos include Banana Man, The Chicken Man, the Claw, The Mummy, Count Cat, The Sock, Freedom Fighter, and Karate Cat.

Which is a cooler cat, Garfield or Heathcliff?

Which is a cooler cat, Garfield or Heathcliff?

Garfield... We would get along so much better. We would sleep all day, eat spagetti, and dread MONDAYS!!!!

how likes Garfield?

how likes Garfield?

Our president J. Garfield or Garfield the cat? I like the cat more but here are some interesting notes about the president.

* Garfield was the first left-handed president.

* James Garfield could write Latin with one hand and Greek with the other.

* The last of seven presidents born in a log cabin, Garfield weighed 10 pounds at birth.

* He was the first president to campaign in two languages -- English and German.

* On election day, November 2, 1880, he was at the same time a member of the House, Senator-elect and President-elect.

* His mother was the first president's mother to attend her son's inauguration.

* At the age of twenty-six, Garfield became president of Hiram College. At the time the school only had five faculty memebers.

* After Garfield's shooting, repeated probing for the bullet with non-sterile instruments resulted in blood poisoning which eventually killed him.

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