Pardon Day 2024 is on Sunday, September 8, 2024: When is this year's (2008) Presidential Turkey Pardon day?

Sunday, September 8, 2024 is Pardon Day 2024. 8 Pardon me, this is Pardon Day.

When is this year’s (2008) Presidential Turkey Pardon day?

There's an interesting article on this practice of pardoning turkeys at the article below! It is listed as "a few days before Thanksgiving" - no official date. The practice began with George Bush Sr. in 1989, though Ronald Reagan joked about it earlier. Lots of people think Harry Truman started it, or that it has been going on forever, but really, is just started with George HW.

Missisippi Constitution requires notice of pardons to be published within 30 days, right?

Missisippi Constitution requires notice of pardons to be published within 30 days, right?

Philosophically I am in favour of pardons, when appropriate, but always in cases of capital punishment regardless of whom or whence they came from. So I am not critical of the Governor's pardons in these cases. However it is a mockery or something underhanded when clear rules regarding pardons are not followed as it appears to be the case in the above instance.

Hope this helps

PS I don't think that any of Barbour's pardons were given to Blacks. If that's the case it looks pretty bad

Hope this helps

Would Clinton Have Pardoned Cowardcons For Impersonating A Veteran and Law Enforcement Officer?

Would Clinton Have Pardoned Cowardcons For Impersonating A Veteran and Law Enforcement Officer?

Clinton pardoned over a hundred drug dealers, convicted crooks, and foreign agents, in one night!!!

He ended receiving millions of dollars from these people and their "associtates".

Clintons will pardon anyone for money.

They are greedy people, who never held a real job a single day in their miserable lives.

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