World Physical Therapy Day 2024 is on Sunday, September 8, 2024: About Physical Therapy?

Sunday, September 8, 2024 is World Physical Therapy Day 2024. Physical Therapy - Visit Licensed Physical Therapists‎ We Provide Transportation Call Us!

World Physical Therapy Day

The human body is remarkably simple to damages and break, and no more so compared to when participating in exhausting exercise such as sporting or athletic task.

Physiotherapists work to reverse damage, inform on healthy and balanced behavior and to restore lost or ruined capability. Bodily Therapy Day, then, is devoted to these specialists throughout the globe, and aims to acknowledge their commitment to keeping us all fighting-fit.

About Physical Therapy?

What do they wear? Suits

It depends on where you work. Some therapist wear scrubs esp at hospitals, some places it is business casual, some places it is very casual. Suits are usually reserved for speaking engagements.

2. How many hours a day/week do they work?

It comes down to where you work. I work full time days M-F on a school schedule. Summers optional. Other people work M-F days with an occasional weekend. Some work a couple of longer days to cover early evenings in an outpatient facility for people to come in after work. Home care therapist work when they want. Many PT can choose to work their own hours since they are in such demand. I work with many mothers who pick and choose their own hours. Last year, one the PTA work 2 hours a day at the school that her daughter went to preschool in so she did not have to pay daycare. I work with another therapist who works 8-1 one day a week when her mother in law can babysit. .

3. Is it a stressful job?

I would not say it is stressful overall but it depends on your personality. Schooling is the stressful part in my opinion

4. Do they work in a good working environment

The nice part of the PT world is their is a lot of working options, nursing homes, hospitals, outpatient facilities, rehab, home care, schools, private agencies, industries, and research

Scoliosis physical therapy?

Scoliosis physical therapy?

scoliosis gets worse primarily d/t gravity...your curve is unnatural for the vertical world we live in...which causes stress on all sides & angles of your spine...the goal since you are young, is to strengthen the looser musculature, & stretch the tighter muscles to help avoid further curvature, or possibly, because of your age, correct it...besides gravity, another way this can get worse is that tighter muscles have a tendency to keep getting tighter, & looser muscles keep will HAVE to incorporate these treatments throughout the day, not only with your'll help for yrs to come...another thing...a GOOD therapist will tell you everything you need to know...

physical therapy vs speech pathology and more?

physical therapy vs speech pathology and more?

You'll be far more marketable if you do either PT or SLP prior to getting an MBA-- a bachelor's in business won't take you very far in the rehab world. With an MBA, you'll be highly sought-after for major hospital positions, like director of rehabilitation services (or higher). For outside-contract rehab companies, you could end up being a regional manager or VP very quickly.

As far as speech goes, you'll save a year if you get your bachelor's in communicative disorders (or speech and hearing science, depending on the school). If you get your bachelor's in a different field, you'll have to take a year of core communicative disorders classes prior to graduate school admission, anyway.

Keep in mind that once you finish the speech pathology MA or MS (or even a doctorate), you'll have to do a post-graduate clinical fellowship year (CFY) prior to certification and licensure. Typically, you won't make more money with a doctorate if you work for someone other than yourself-- it's usually for working in academia or as a speech director in a major academic medical center.

See for speech pathology and for PT.

Holidays also on this date Sunday, September 8, 2024...