World Peace Day 2024 is on Saturday, December 21, 2024: what is world peace day 111111? do we all think of peace and it just happens?

Saturday, December 21, 2024 is World Peace Day 2024. World Peace Day All around the world people are standing up for peace. Join them!

"Those who love peace must

The International Day of Peace, sometimes unofficially known as World Peace Day, is observed annually on 21 September.

what is world peace day 11/11/11? do we all think of peace and it just happens?

World peace is a state which I have often theorised and philosophised on, but realised it is an illusion in a world full of difference and diversity you cannot have 'Peace' as peace is different to every person of every religion in every state. 'Peace' is a common goal but the definition is radically different to different people.

Is it a world of harmony and diversity,

or The coming of the messiah,

or The return of Jesus,

or The create of a global islamic caliphate,

or The attaining buddhahood and nirvana

What is it?

Ask people for yourself as almost everyone sees their idea of peace as a perfect world as perfection is illusion.

who wants world peace?

who wants world peace?


-I- want world peace. No conflict, no wars, no killing, no anger. But how many other people on this planet do I think want world peace? A very small amount truly wish for world peace, in my opinion.

Look at these statistics. They were made years ago, and need to be updated, but they are still pretty shocking, all the same:

The “Peace” Paradox

Though 1986 was proclaimed by the UN to be the International Year of Peace, the suicidal armaments race escalated. World Military and Social Expenditures 1986 supplies these sobering details:

In 1986 global military expenditures reached $900 thousand million.

One hour’s global military expenditure would suffice to immunize the 3.5 million that die annually from preventable infectious disease.

Worldwide, one person in five lives in gnawing poverty. All these starving people could be fed for one year at the cost of what the world spends for armaments in two days.

The explosive energy in the world’s stockpile of nuclear weapons is 160,000,000 times greater than that of the Chernobyl explosion.

Today a nuclear bomb can be delivered having an explosive power more than 500 times as powerful as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

Today’s nuclear arsenals contain the equivalent of more than one million Hiroshimas. They represent 2,700 times the explosive energy released in World War II, when 38 million people died.

Wars have become more frequent and more deadly. War deaths totaled 4.4 million in the 18th century, 8.3 million in the 19th century, 98.8 million in 86 years of the 20th century. Since the 18th century, war deaths have increased more than six times faster than the world’s population. There have been ten times as many deaths per war in the 20th century as in the 19th.

Pretty sobering statistics, aren't they? And this was from the year 1986, the UN's supposed year of peace! Just think of what the statistics would be today, over twenty years later.

Can you imagine?

So, no, I don't think many people would care to work for world peace.

Luv ya,

Tashi :)

World Peace?

World Peace?

1.How can our world be made into a complete peaceful place to live in?

By trying to follow the Quran and sunnah

2.Why do we point each others fault?

sometimes to hide our own, islam says to hide other peoples faults and your faults will be hidden in this world and on the day of judgement...

3. Why can't we exapt each others religion?

Because so many people are uneducated about their religion and some people are too stubborn to forcefully prove that their religion makes more sense..

4. Why the diffrences?

Some people those who are different, why? i dont know...

5.Will there be ever peace?

yes, for fourty years after Isa returns and destroys Anti-christ there will be total peace on earth

6. No diffrences in color or race or religion?

Not until people learn that by accepting others, others can accept you..not without people losing their pride and haughtyness

Holidays also on this date Saturday, December 21, 2024...