Boston Marathon Day 2025 is on Monday, April 21, 2025: Why is the Boston Marathon run on a Monday?

Monday, April 21, 2025 is Boston Marathon Day 2025. Tyler Pake Running: Race Day Tips for the Boston Marathon Boston Marathon in 2012

Why is the Boston Marathon run on a Monday?

Boston Marathon's Monday race date is unique to the sporting calendar of the major marathons. The race has traditionally been held on Patriots' Day, and until 1969 that was every April 19, whichever day of the week that fell on. Starting in 1969, the holiday was observed on the third Monday in April, and so the marathon date was correspondingly fixed to that Monday.

Male Winner:

1983 Greg Meyer (Michigan) 2:09:00

Female Winner:

1985 Lisa Larsen Weidenbach (Michigan) 2:34.06

question for Boston marathon runners?

question for Boston marathon runners?

Congratulations on running Boston! The following link should answer most of your questions. Most marathons have a gear tent for runners to store their stuff, running clubs and charities also tend to have their own tents for storage and other amenities. Dress for the weather minus 10 degrees. You will feel 10 degrees warmer once you are running. If it is a cool start wear old sweats that you are willing to discard along the course. You might have some fruit or a bagel with jelly an hour before the race and have been sipping a water bottle since you had a light breakfast when you got up. Have dry clothes to change into, some first aid like band aids, disinfectants, wraps, creams for do it yourself things. Good luck!

Qualifying to run Boston marathon?

Qualifying to run Boston marathon?

The other way to get into the Boston Marathon is thru their charity program:

The Boston Athletic Association, committed to encouraging and promoting fitness through athletics, has developed a program with the Boston Marathon and charitable organizations in the Boston area. The B.A.A. assists these charitable organizations by providing guaranteed entries for their organization’s fund raising purposes and, in the spirit of charity, encourages all qualified runners to aid in these efforts.

About the Program:

The B.A.A. accepts a limited number of new organizations each year, each to receive 15 waivers per year for a period for up to three years. These entries do not require a qualifying time but do require that runners acknowledge that they can complete a marathon within 6 hours and will abide by all other B.A.A. rules and regulations.

Holidays also on this date Monday, April 21, 2025...