Christmas Seal Campaign on October, 2024: do you think that the Neo-Cons would be low enough to set it up so it looks as though McCain~?

October, 2024 is Christmas Seal Campaign 2024. Collect Christmas Seals?‎ William J Kozersky, Philatelist Global Dealer of Christmas Seals

do you think that the Neo-Cons would be low enough to set it up so it looks as though McCain~?

ya, if the Neo-Cons don't get McCain in there somehow Karl Rove may just get a lump of coal in his Christmas Stocking~!

Do more families of murdered Americans in Libya need to come forward before GOP quits politicizing

Do more families of murdered Americans in Libya need to come forward before GOP quits politicizing the event?

The Romney campaign keeps on trying to plagarize or misuse events or quotes without permission, and the attempt to exploit what happened in Libya is just one of these misuses. The Navy SEAL named Doherty that Romney tried to claim to a campaign crowd that he "knew" and then Romney proceeded to paint himself as actually "caring" about the young man's death, faking what for Romney might pass as a facsimile of "grief" (of which Romney is incapable) so that he could seem less robotic and uncaring, his campaign staffers hoped. Turns out, the encounter between Romney and Doherty was not at all friendly and was due to the Romneys CRASHING a neighborhood Christmas party (they claim they "misread" an invitation and went to the wrong address), where Romney kept insisting upon introducing himself over and over again, according to what Doherty later told his family and his friends---as though Romney had some sort of neurological impairment and couldn't remember that he had just done that a few moments before. Doherty did not like him, so Doherty's mother asked that Romney not use her son's name, saying "I do not trust Romney."

Here's another point that the GOP is hoping we don't remember: The right-wing propaganda mill is trying to claim there were "no demonstrations" at the Consulate in Benghazi, but they contradicted themselves on that point twice now---once when Romney RUSHED to the tv cameras to DENOUNCE the handwritten NOTE which made the news telling demonstrators "We do not support the film and we are against attacking other people's religions" or words to that effect---a note written by a staffer at the Consulate, turns out, to quiet the unrest that began. Now convicted-felon Darryl Issa (R-CA) is trying to set up an "October surprise" witchhunt to demean the Obama administration by claiming (repeatedly) that there "were no demonstrations in Benghazi"--that this was a TERRORIST attack that had been "planned for weeks" and one that "used the cover of the demonstrations over the film" to begin their assault. I think the right-wing extremists in the GOP here in the U.S. are the ones who set up the anti-Muslim film for release on 9/11's anniversary, but if there were no demonstrations, why did the Consulate staffer write the note? If the attackers were "terrorists" who had "preplanned the attack" and there were no demonstrations, then how did these attackers "use the demonstrations as cover"? They are full of "malarky" or at least elephant-dung. This is all about trying to get Romney some credibility that he does not deserve on foreign policy issues by first trying to deliberately go after President Obama over nothing.

Alejandro Magno is the same Alejandro The Great?

Alejandro Magno is the same Alejandro The Great?

No. There are like 1000 years of difference.

Alexander the Great

Alexander was born on 356 B.C. He was born in Pella the ancient capital of Macedonia, was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia, and of Olympias, a princess of Epirus. His tutor was Aristotle, who trained him in rhetoric and literature and stimulated his interest in science, medicine and philosophy.

Unfortunately in the summer of 336 B.C. his father was assassinated and he ascended to the Macedainian throne. Also unfortunate was that by that time he found his empire in disorder. He had enemies all over, in home and people threatening rebellion abroad. He did quickly deal with this by killing all of the threats and restoring order to his small empire. Then he restored order to Thessaly which had attempted independence. Before the end of summer he had reestablished his position in Greece and was elected by a congress of states at Corinth.

In 335B.C. as general of the Greeks in a campaign against the Persians, originally planned by his father, he carried out a successful campaign against the defeating Thracains, penetrating to the Danube River. On his return he crushed in a single week the threatening Illyrians and then hastened to Thebes, which had revolted. He took the city by storm and razed it, sparing only the temples of the gods and the houses of the Greek lyric poet Pindar, and selling the surviving inhabitants, about 8000 in number, into slavery. Alexander's promptness in crushing the revolt of Thebes brought the other Greek states into instant and abject submission.

As you can see Alexander had started his way to being a great and powerful ruler. It is said that while visiting Athens to seal a pact, Alexander visited the Oracle at Delphi, despite it being a day when prophecy was forbidden .

The story continues but look it in the history books.

Alejandro Magno on the other hand is better know in english as Charlemagne lived from 742?—814, and was emperor of the West (800—814), Carolingian king of the Franks (768—814).

Elder son of Pepin the Short and a grandson of Charles Martel, Charlemagne shared with his brother Carloman in the succession to his father's kingdom. At Carloman's death (771), young Charlemagne annexed his brother's lands, disinheriting Carloman's two young sons, who fled with their mother to the court of Desiderius, king of the Lombards. When Desiderius conquered part of the papal lands and attempted to force Pope Adrian I to recognize Carloman's sons, Charlemagne intervened (773) on the side of the pope and defeated the Lombards. At Rome, Charlemagne was received by Adrian as patrician of the Romans (a title he had received with his father in 754), and he confirmed his father's donation to the Holy See. Shortly afterward he took Pavia, the Lombard capital, and assumed the iron crown of the Lombard kings of Italy.

In 778 he invaded Spain, hoping to take advantage of civil war among the Muslim rulers of that kingdom, but was repulsed at Zaragoza. In later campaigns conducted by local counts, Barcelona was captured (801) and a frontier established beyond the Pyrenees. Charlemagne's struggle with the pagan Saxons, whose greatest leader was Widukind, lasted from 772 until 804. By dint of forced conversions, wholesale massacres, and the transportation of thousands of Saxons to the interior of the Frankish kingdom, Charlemagne made his domination over Saxony complete. In 788 he annexed the semi-independent duchy of Bavaria, after deposing its duke, Tassilo. He also warred successfully against the Avars and the Slavs, establishing a frontier south of the Danube.

Emperor of the West

In 799 the new pope, Leo III, threatened with deposition by the Romans, appealed to Charlemagne. Charlemagne hastened to Rome to support Leo, and on Christmas Day, 800, was crowned emperor by the pope. His coronation legitimized Charlemagne's rule over the former Roman empire in W Europe and finalized the split between the Byzantine and Roman empires. After years of negotiation and war, Charlemagne received recognition from the Byzantine emperor Michael I in 812; in return Charlemagne renounced his claims to Istria, Venice, and Dalmatia, which he had held briefly. The end of Charlemagne's reign was troubled by the raids of Norse and Danes (see Norsemen), so Charlemagne took vigorous measures for the construction of a fleet, which his successors neglected. His land frontiers he had already protected by the creation of marches. In 813, Charlemagne designated his son Louis I as co-emperor and his successor and crowned him at Aachen.

Holidays also on this date Tuesday, October 1, 2024...